Author Topic: Can Dr. Fielding handle Large Gland Excision?  (Read 3538 times)

Offline SW_ON_Huge_Moobs

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Per my introduction I likely have a large glandular mass in each moob that I want rid of (I would guess that the gland is at least 85% of what is in there - I have lost most of the fat on my chest though there are still love handle type things under my arms around from my moobs)

I found this on the web and this surgeon seems amazing to get this much gland out of a little tiny incision (warning graphic images):

Does Dr. Fielding use a similar technique for excising large glandular mass?  Anyone know or have a similar situation resolved in Ontario?  I know a real assessment with the doctor will be needed but I am just wondering if what I am seeing with the technique in the website I reference is a common route to resoution (that page has a numer of picures of large glands that were excised through small incisions)?

I should add that I would be comfortable with some small scarring as I have a (not overly) hairy chest (BTW I also wear a beard) and that would cover scarring to an extent.  I just want rid of the moobs.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2005, 07:59:37 AM by SW_ON_Huge_Moobs »

Offline anonguy

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He removed gland the size of half an apple on each side for me.  Very tiny slits done on the edge of the aereola in order to hide the scar.  Scar is about 2 cm but is hard to see because of the location.  I have no idea how he took out so much gland on such a small incision.

Offline SW_ON_Huge_Moobs

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He removed gland the size of half an apple on each side for me.  Very tiny slits done on the edge of the aereola in order to hide the scar.  Scar is about 2 cm but is hard to see because of the location.  I have no idea how he took out so much gland on such a small incision.

Thanks for the input anon - that really sounds like a great skill that JCF has!!!

Were you under local or general for that?  Did you have a choice?

Offline anonguy

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General anastasia, I posted a while back around October 5th on my surgery experiences with him.  I dont have a link but if you do a search around that day under surgery experience,  I think it's a pretty good read on what to expect. :)

Offline SW_ON_Huge_Moobs

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General anastasia, I posted a while back around October 5th on my surgery experiences with him.  I dont have a link but if you do a search around that day under surgery experience,  I think it's a pretty good read on what to expect. :)

I just checked it out interesting and thanks!  I didn't see how mild/moderate or severe your case was though - how bad?

Did you have the option of local anastasia?

Offline anonguy

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It was moderate to severe.  Had 900cc of Fat/Gland removed.  To get an idea of that grab a measuring cap.  It's just under a litre.  I'm 6.1 and was 194lbs, i've never been over 200lbs.  So given my weight I thought he took out quite a bit.  


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