Author Topic: 18 and tragically haunted with the terror Gyne  (Read 6679 times)

Offline Hatemychest

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At the beginning of my sophmore year in high school I began to grow Breasts. At first I didn't really notice it, until I was told I by my friend that I have man-boobs. We both laughed at the joke and thought nothing of it ever again. I am a senior and my friend is gone to Nevada. I am now here . . . hiding a condition that haunts me everytime I look in the mirror. "They aren't that big!" people tell me. I joke about it to make myself feel better, but deep down I am going mad. I had an ambition to be a singer and model, but it looks like all thouse hopes and dreams are thrown out the window thanks to a medical condition my medical card will not cover to fix. My parents wouldnt believe me anyway. I brought it up to my mother one day and she laughed hysterically. She said, "Yeah your fathers boobs can fit into my bra!" she is serious. I think dad has em too, but he is overweight. I am 6'2 and only 190 pounds, these things protrude out of my chest like melons. Oddly shaped, they slowly rise off the muscle of my sholders and into a triangle point.  I have worked out obsesivley to the point of extreme pain to get rid of them, but they are still there. The wierd part is the muscle on my arms and chest are starting to develop, which I like, but my chest is still flabby, the jiggle when I walk, and my nipples are about 2/3 the size they were two years ago. I am afraid they are getting bigger everytime I work out, but I dont want to stop. Im stuck . . . like I am sure many of you are. My parents will not accept the fact that their little boy has breasts and laugh at the idea.  :-[ sometimes I cry myself into a depression I cant get out of cause of these things. One night at about midnight I contemplated cutting them off with a knife. I had the knife in hand and was about to do it. My Ex-Girlfriend said they were fine, but I know it, I see it in her eyes she was lying. She is the only person who ever saw them the past two years. I am constantly dressing in layers to hide them and my father is getting mad because I am waisting money on clothes. It wouldn't be so bad if I was overweight, it would blen in then. But I am skinny! you can see my ribs and then they rise to these mounds that are sticking out of my chest!!! oh god . . .
I have showed some people, by taking off one of my shirts and grabbing hold of it for them to see as a joke, some people laugh and others snicker . . . it hurts, and Im tired of hiding it. I want it to go away.
Along with the gyne I noticed stretch marks that have ran down my shoulders, I think the gyne caused them. Im afraid any hope of a modeling career is completely over.
I will have pictures on here one day soon of my problem.
Any advice, I . . . I feel like Im dieing inside slowly, and I cant get myself out of this rut . . .  :-X
« Last Edit: May 04, 2005, 05:01:24 PM by Hatemychest »

Offline ensiferum

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Stretch marks are caused by weight lifting most likely.
Surgery on 11th of May. *gulp*


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You have two experts in the family.  Talk to them about it.  It can run in families.  My father has them I have them, & my sons have them.

Ask your father how he dealt with the breasts as a young man.  Teens tend to make mountains out of mole hills,  pun intended.

Ask you mother if it bothers her that your father has breasts.  Most women don't have a negative opinion about them.


Offline STILLgotIT

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Hey bro, why don't you print out that post that you just wrote above and show it to your parents? I doubt you've ever opened up to them like you did there and maybe that will help them GET IT. Maybe that is what will push them to help you get surgery.


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When I was a teen with breasts, I was shirtless most of the summer.  My parents & everyone saw what I had.  

One uncle was the only one that ever was a negative influence.  He would titty twist if I got near him.   I usually avoided him when shirtless or in a T-Shirt.  

The boys soon learned to to not say anything or touch.

Girls were no problem as I dated most in my class.

My father had breasts, a couple of friends had them, so I never thought is was all that unusual.  It was just how some guys were born.

It is mostly attitude & selfworth,  My boobs never controlled what I did.


Offline RockyXX4

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Just wondering can Nolvadex help with gyne

Offline vinman2

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Hang in there kid. One of the best things you're doing is weight training. Your not completely out of puberty until the age of 23, so it may correct itself by then. However, if the condition doesn't change and you continue hitting the weights all your hard work will pay off after the surgery. I'm 37 and just had the surgery to correct my gyne. I started weights at age 13. I made some very impressive changes in my entire body,mostly in arms and upper pectoral region. So when the surgeon got rid of the flab in the lower area of my chest, all my years of training paid off, because now my chest still sticks out, but i'ts pure muscle,and this summer i'm not hiding it. I know what you mean. Talking to your parents can be a hard thing. I got my gyne passed on to me from my father also, and I have two boye ages 4,2. I know someday this condition may happen to them and I would want them to talk me about so I can tell them I understand exactly what you're going through. Pull you're father aside and have a sit down with him. If he has this condition, then he should understand. Good luck!!!!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2005, 12:18:53 AM by vinman2 »

Offline Hatemychest

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Thank you guys. you have been much help. I talked to my mom about it. She was concerned when I mentioned it SERIOUSLY to her. She and dad both said they need to talk about it alone first.
I feel i've made progress. Also, I have to go on my senior trip to florida on sunday, any tips for teh beach??? Yikes the thought of it PERIOD kinda scares me. Any tips that might not make me look like a moron on the beach lol.

Offline Spleen

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You gotta act confident, bro'.  Even if they bother you or a comment bothers you should act like it doesn't.  People who tease are looking for a payoff; they want to see the person they're busting on upset.  They feed on cruelty.  If you shrug and say "yeah, so what"  it ruins their good time.  

Most folks really don't care.  Just remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

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Also, I have to go on my senior trip to florida on sunday, any tips for teh beach??? Yikes the thought of it PERIOD kinda scares me. Any tips that might not make me look like a moron on the beach lol.

Hmmm, that's a tough one.  If it was me I wouldn't go period, but if you want to go then you could wear a t-shirt.  It would probably be a good idea anyway given the risk of sun burn and excess UV rays.  I'm not sure if anyone would fault you for that.

I don't know how bad your gyne is, but you could always risk going in without a shirt?
Surgery date: February 8, 2006

Offline jc71

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At least you seem to have a good attitude about the situation.  You're able to joke about it and show others.  

Dad has it too?  So did my dad.  Do you have any brothers? Do they have it too?

The stretch marks are not caused by gyne but by your "obsessive" workouts.

You're right, if you got fat your gyne would blend in with your gut and not look as bad.  I was in great shape but gained 70 pounds and in clothes my gyne was covered up better but the extra weight created a lot of other health problems.  I've lost 30 of the 70 so far.

Staying skinny is overall your best choice.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2005, 05:55:45 AM by jc71 »

Offline Alternate_Routes

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I know just how you feel, I think I am in a similar situation, I feel like the fat beneath the muscle in my chest is not going anywhere.  

Offline aux513s

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The fat is beneath your muscle? Usually it's on top.

Offline Pferdestärken

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I agree with vinman, gym time is never wasted (unless you just go to talk!).

As for the beach, you have to be strong. You can do it, just be confident. If any jackass tries to poke fun, the best form of defence is attack. I don't mean physically - try something like "This is caused by a medical condition and my doctor is going to fix it - but you'll always be an insensitive jackass!"

Good luck!
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline Hatemychest

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I went to the beach guys. The water was so cold in Datona, being early summer and all. They thought I had pecks lol. I know different though. Sp its all cool and I survived it. I went with my class. Ive known them all since pre-k so Im sure they wouldnt have said anything anyway.


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