Author Topic: aerola or armpit excission??? dilema!  (Read 4186 times)

irish lad

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how ya people..

heres my problem il keep it short i have surgery 28th of may... i have puffy nipples and a glandular case of gyne no lipo is nesscary.. here are my pictures

i was given a decision between an aerola excission or an armpit excission i am really hot and bothered by this dilema.. bearing in mind im starting back college in september and want to look somewhat like i didnt have surgery for my lifegaurd exam...

in my case from the pictures above what decision do you think is best???

p.s i know at the end of the day im getting rid of gyne but i want to get somewhat best results..from the 2 choices i was given..

cheers much appriciated!

Offline to-be-or-not-to-be

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my gyne was slightly worse than yours and they did areola excision.

irish lad

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trojan... thats exactly my problem from the sides i look unfit and the gyne is really visable through creases etc..when i was out of shape it wasnt that visable but now iv been working out in the gym for about 2 years and my gyne looks worse like out of portion to rest of my body..

camden.. a t-shirt is not something i dont feel comfterable in it really highlights my gyne and puffy nipples from the side as trojan put it

cheers lads much appricated im still kind of tilting towards armpit excission due to the fact im hearing more bad effects of aerola than good

Offline jackson318

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To answer the original question, the armpit one I hear is better on the nipple and easier healing (but then I have read more about soreness during healing and after in the area from the incision to the main parts of the tissue removal).

That said, I would be most concerned with what way your doctor is most comfortable with.  I've never read of one giving the patient a choice.  It's usually a matter of how the surgeon learned, the techniques he uses, what exact balance of excision and lipo you are having, etc.  After all, I wouldn't feel comfortable making my dentist fill a cavity sitting from whatever side I said, using whatever tools I told him to.  Just my take on it.

Offline Twin Peaks

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  I've never read of one giving the patient a choice.  It's usually a matter of how the surgeon learned, the techniques he uses, what exact balance of excision and lipo you are having, etc.  After all, I wouldn't feel comfortable making my dentist fill a cavity sitting from whatever side I said, using whatever tools I told him to.  Just my take on it.

That's very true.  It's like when you go to give blood and the lab technician asks you what arm do you want the needle in.  They aren't supposed to ask you that! They're supposed to decide which arm has a better vein. 


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how ya people..

heres my problem il keep it short i have surgery 28th of may... i have puffy nipples and a glandular case of gyne no lipo is nesscary.. here are my pictures

i was given a decision between an aerola excission or an armpit excission i am really hot and bothered by this dilema.. bearing in mind im starting back college in september and want to look somewhat like i didnt have surgery for my lifegaurd exam...

in my case from the pictures above what decision do you think is best???

p.s i know at the end of the day im getting rid of gyne but i want to get somewhat best results..from the 2 choices i was given..

cheers much appriciated!
Each surgeon used the tools and techniques he / she prefers.

The problem is that gynecomastia comes in so many different forms.  I prefer to let what I find during surgery help guide what needs to be done.  An incision at the edge of the areola opens up for me an artist's palette of tools not available when using the armpit approach.  That is why I prefer my Dynamic Technique Gynecomastia Sculpture.

I have also seen patients with channel problems between remote access sites and the areola / nipple.  Scars, adhesions, and depressions can look terrible.  Check out the lateral (side views) and posterior oblique (side from the back views with and without muscle flexion Gynecomastia Complication to see what I mean.

This approach permits me to target the removal of the firm gland first. I then have a resource with the fat to permit me to rebuild the defect and sculpt the remaining fat. 

The areola chest skin interface is a great place to hide a scar.  Check out the many before after pictures of this  Areola / Nipple Gallery, Areola Reduction Picture Gallery, and Pictures of Areola with Gynecomastia.  These results are typical for my sculpture of my patients.

How tissues move is important.  The human body is beautiful in animation.  That is why I show pictures of the chest with arms up, down, and with muscles tight / relaxed in addition to the results from multiple views.  Limited view demonstrations can pick the best angle to hide deformities and problems.  Such analysis of the results as well as how tissues evolve, the possible need for drains, comfort level after gynecomastia surgery, are important factors in picking your doctor.  It is like an artist selecting a paint brush.  The results are what matters, not with what tool they sculpt.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture
« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 09:14:06 AM by DrBermant »

irish lad

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no problem camden appriciate d apolgy.. its forgotten! coudnt send u a personal measage as your a guest but i say id leave a comment here to say thanks!


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