Author Topic: Gyne or just fat?  (Read 1792 times)


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Had problems with manboobs since puberty. Not a really bad case, people have mostly thought I had large chest muscles when I wear t-shirt. But I hate my man boobs. I don't let my girlfriend get near my chest. No matter how much I train, my chest muscle gets bigger but my breasts hide it. I tried to go down in weight, I am 6feet 2¨ and slimed down to 174 pounds. My chest reduced some but not allot. Now I have bin training a while again and weigh around 210pounds. My optimal weight I think, because of my work which is very physical.
Here is some pic

Do you think this is treatable without surgery? Fat suction in my country  cost about 3600 us-dollar and no chance of getting the government to pay.

I have also just started with anabolic steroids (tbol) for the first time. It is a light steroid, and does not convert to estrogen. So gyne will not get worse.I am using this now to get bigger arms and maybe get a more symmetric upper body

 I got some aromataize inhibitor (estrogen blocker) called arimidex. I heard that people have used ari to reverse gyne caused by steroids. Will this do anything to me?

All you people in here struggle with the same thing, so you all probably know how this feels. When people get close I am always scared shitless. When someone has touched my chest bad comments about my breasts have followed, and thus resulting in the my poor self esteem even to this day.. Isn't life grand

Offline Twin Peaks

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Honestly man, you look great...but if it bothers you that much, do what you gotta do.  Be careful with the roids though. 


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