1. Forget the pills. They're worthless.
2. Just try to ignore anyone making fun of you. I know, it's not easy. Hey, I had really big "manboobs" and that didn't keep me from having lots of girlfriends, a healthy sex life, and a great wife now. Thankfully, women are better at seeing the whole package in us guys. You probably have lots of girls drooling over you that you don't even know about!
3. You say you can't afford surgery. Depending on where you are and who you choose, you're looking at a $4500-8000 investment. Consider it just that: an investment. If you choose to make that investment, start saving up slowly. You can even create an account. Just like you would for buying a car, a motorcycle, a fancy set of clothes.
4. Go see an EXPERIENCED gyne surgeon - emphasis on experience! - for a consultation. They're often free.
5. Have you tried wearing a compression shirt like UnderArmour makes? I'll bet you'd look great with your overall excellent physical shape.
6. It's easy for us to get all fixated on our bodies. The average other person at our beach, pool, etc. doesn't care what we look like NEARLY as much as we do. Just try to remember that while you explore all your options.
7. I had very bad gyne my entire life until I finally had the surgery at age 48. I wish I'd done it earlier (but surgical techniques have really improved in the last 10 years), but I feel so great now that all those earlier years seem like they're gone! Just hang in there buddy!