Hello everyone! and this is my first post... first of all.. Sorry for my bad english !
Like most of you guys i've been suffering from gynecomastia since the age of 12! I am now 18.
Before discovering this board.. I thought that I would live with it and just try to hide it... But now
I only have 1 life to live and I want to get rid of that gynecomastia that ruining my life... I am not an
ugly person and I am not fat at all.. I'm a good soccer player and There is hot girls that wanna date with me
butt I just don't accept them because of my self confidence... I know theres alot of you that are in the same situation than me
I feel that I am not made to be with hot girls because of that gynecomastia... When I have swimming classes ,
I just put cold water on my ''titties'' lol to make them look better(when the areola become hard..)... YOu guys probably know what I mean..
And then I jump fastly in the water.. What scares me is that people can't see that I have those little ''titties'' because
I have the chance the gland go from the sides and not straighly in the middle and the rest look like muscles.. when u touch
them on top it look like a muscle so its all good.. I had a girlfriend for 2 years and I had never Put off my t-shirt infront of her and
thats why we never had sex :S... And one of 6 months and then I find reason to break the relation because of that... and other stories
in pool parties and all..annddd other stories.. Otherwise, IT IS RUINING MY LIFE! anyway just wrote this tooo finally get all of this out of me and too support people and show them that they are not alone in that situation!
So, Thanks to all of u for this website anddd nowww I have an my first appointment with D. Fielding the 9th june in canada (toronto) and I am from montreal.. Im going there by bus and I think my surgery is going to be around 9th of july or something like that I dont really remember what she said and I am going to update this thread when there is going to be something to say about all that!!!
oh and I have a question.. If I am a full time student in Montreal... Will I have the student cost of the surgery with fielding in toronto?

Here are the pictures:
http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/8279/dsc00423jv2.jpgand sorry about my room disorder lollll is sunday always like this!
http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/8849/dsc00413zt3.jpghttp://img242.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00418zg9.jpghttp://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00417ke9.jpghttp://img213.imageshack.us/img213/1018/dsc00412sf2.jpghttp://img140.imageshack.us/img140/7906/dsc00420xc3.jpgfrom botton
sorry for some of the pictures quality ill get some new one soon!
Sooo everybody please be honest and rate my gynecomastia! THanks to all of u !!!!!
I will follow the thread and tell you what happened in the first consultation and for the surgery!!!!
I just took off the foam pads and wowww I am really impressed , its like its not my chest!!! And I'm already swelling alot but still if the final result is anything close to this i'll be really happy!!!

Thanks everyone and tell me what you think.. I'll take new pictures every week for you guys

, I know the pictures are not really clear , but I'll take some new soon

5 Days post-op pictures!
http://c.imagehost.org/0907/DSC00517.jpghttp://c.imagehost.org/0855/DSC00515.jpghttp://c.imagehost.org/0727/Sans_titre.jpg10 days post-op
http://c.imagehost.org/0430/DSC00532.jpghttp://c.imagehost.org/0992/DSC00533.jpgRight nipple
http://c.imagehost.org/0560/DSC00535.jpghttp://c.imagehost.org/0392/DSC00529.jpgLeft nipple
http://c.imagehost.org/0941/DSC00536.jpghttp://c.imagehost.org/0532/DSC00530.jpgIm starting getting worried about my right side it look like i stiill have gland in it

what is it??? Why its just that side