Author Topic: 2nd follow-up to my Karidis op - looks like revision surgery  (Read 12692 times)

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
id say you wait 12 months until you get a final outlook on the op.
i had my op 2 years ago in Poland and was a bit anxious about the result but now 2 years on im totally satiosfied and my niopple was creased like your :)
now its perfect
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline Albion71

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id say you wait 12 months until you get a final outlook on the op.
i had my op 2 years ago in Poland and was a bit anxious about the result but now 2 years on im totally satiosfied and my niopple was creased like your :)
now its perfect

Thanks for the tip. I appreciate the healing process can be long, I sincerely hope I do see further changes, for the better. However, my left side has not changed much at all since about 10 days after the top. The only change on the right side is that it's got a bit puffier.

Offline Blue2

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That's interesting hearing Notfedup's comments as I have noticed a few changes in my appearance lately. I have got some creasing which had previously completely gone, but I do put some of this down to gaining a few lbs in recent weeks. Some days it's worse than others and other days it's perfect! So yes, I agree, things are still changing. settling down and healing. I have put off my final consulation with Karidis until next year when I will be closer to 12 months post op as I think this will give a better overall impression. I am still happy with my results to date (after all I am sitting in my office wearing a tight fitting jumper which I would NEVER have dreamed of wearing before the op!) and although things are a bit up and down, I am sure everything will be spot on in time. I waited long enough for the op so I am prepared to wait a bit longer for the final results!!  ;)
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline Albion71

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Hi folks. Just had my second follow up to my op with Karidis, exactly six months ago to the day.

Those who have followed this thread will know I haven't been happy with the outcome. Here's what the man himself thought.

Essentially, he seems prepared to do revision surgery. It would be the first one he's done in two years, he said.

His main concern is the right side, where there is still quite a bit of puffiness. It's still a little tender there, so there may be some scar tissue responsibile for a bit of the puffiness, but I sensed he was not happy with the result.

The left side he seemed less bothered about, though this is my bigger concern. There is an indent above and behind the nipple, which means I have a distinct concavity to the chest profile on my left pec, and a fold across the nipple.

Karidis agreed that a bit too much had come out, but said it was not something he would normally agree to re-operating on; he felt it was within a range of normality. I didn't really agree. However, the fact that he wants to have another go at the right side means he's prepared to tackle the left side too.

He says he can take some fat from elsewhere (probably a love handle) and inject it back in, but it is hard to get the amount right because a lot of fat gets absorbed. He talked about taking a bit more out from around the nipple, which would have the effect of levelling off the 'shoulders' of the indent. I'm not sure he's confident of getting rid of the indent completely.

The nipple is a bigger concern. He didn't think there was much he could do to get rid of the fold, though said that the injection of fat may lift it a little. He also recommended pinching the nipple and rubbing it between my fingers, which may help it return to its normal shape.

As for when this is likely to happen - earliest is next May/June I would say, 12 months on from the original op. He reckons 12-18 months is when things have finally settled down, but realistically, we will have a good idea come next May. I'm going to meet him around then, and decide what to do.  I think we'll need serious discussions first though.

So there you have it. Currently cursing my luck as the one person on this board (I think) who has not had a great result with Karidis, and will have to go back in for revision surgery. I can only hope that the fact he does this so rarely means he will give me extra special attention.

Offline Albion71

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Karidis waves his fees, but the hospital don't, so you have to pay about a grand. Which I figure I may as well having paid out four already.

I have to say - thinking back on all the research I did before this, I don't think I would have done anything differently. I research it loads online, including this forum, and paid for consultations with the three best surgeons in the land, Hamed, Levick and Karidis.

Karidis obviously did something wrong - but maybe as you say, it's the law of averages, and I just got unlucky.

I think he can give me a better result with revision surgery, but I kind of think it must be harder to put something right from this position, when you need to put something back in...

Offline Bigdom

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I was in the same boat as you (except i had my surgery with Benito).  I wouldn't have done anything different, nothing is guaranteed in any type of surgery - like most of them used by "us", he's highly skilled and talented in this field. 

I had my consult for remedial work at around 12 months.  Trust me, my chest was soooo much better than before, however it could be improved. 

Now a week in post correction, i will wait and see if it delivers what i expect to see - i'm expecting it will this time around.  I had to pick up the hospital fees; although i knew this from the beginning.

Offline Albion71

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Hi Big Dom - what didn't work out with your op, that you wanted to change?

It's a bummer when so many others on here seem to have a great result, isn't it.

Offline Bigdom

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The work was to correct symmetry between the two sides, the left hand side required some more lipo and removal of scar tissue pushing behind the nipple, in the process the right hand side has had some more lipo to balance.   Maybe it's just the way i heal, i've had a few op's over the years (nothing plastic) and i thend to heal very slowly & differently.   

Trust me there was a huge improvement, first time i was 'naked' on a beach this summer in years.

Whilst i didn't have the most severe case of gyne in terms of cuppage, i'm quite a bit unit as i played alot of sport in my early years.  Even with the compression vest on max (i know i have some swelling at the moment), my chest is still just under 50" and i've had over 800cc's & gland taken from both sides!   That's more than one of my mates can drink on a Friday night......


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Hi mate. Have you taken any more steps towards revision yet?

I am 12 months on now from my surgery and on the whole I have good results but I am not happy with my left side either. I have a nice shape and contour on my right but my left is sort of flatter and my nipple creases a fair bit where the scar is and the scar is still very visible. I also have a strip of fat left behind below which gives a sort of sagging look which just stands out to me, even more when light from above shines on it. When tensing it sort of makes my nipple sink mainly due to the fat below.

I have not seen him since the first post checkup as I put off my 6 month one saying I wanted to see if it improoves more by 12 months. I need to see him I think and get his opinion though if revision is needed I am not sure when as money is very tight at the moment.


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