Author Topic: 2 weeks post op HELP HELP HELP!!!!  (Read 1499 times)

Offline gyn255

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Heys guys can any1 help i'm really scared?!?!?

  OK a week after surgery had dressings and vest removed for good and was a free man. Things were healing fine, but then a few days ago whilst sleeping, I had my arms above my head (lying down sleeping in bed) and I woke up with an excruciating shooting pain in my right side of my chest (felt like something ripped) upon waking up next day all the swelling that had gone down has now come back in both sides (chest doesn't look or feel good) and I am quite sore (pain wasn't very bad 1 week post op). I have now had compression vest back on for past few days. CAN ANY1 TELL ME WHAT THEY THINK PLZ?!?! AS I AM SHITTING MYSELF!!!

questions :
              Do you think I have damaged the healing that had already taken place?

              Would this have happened (swelling) if my incident whilst sleeping had not taken place?

              Also I did some light massaging about 5 days post op to ''break up'' scar tissue do you think
              this has anythin to do with swelling?

Offline mkit8971

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Hmmm getting rid of the vest after only a week seems very rare even under the most favorable conditions.  How are you even able to lift your arms above your head only a week after surgery?  Seems to me like you're rushing things too much.  I mean you're already massaging 5 days post-op?  I wouldnt think there even would be scar tissue even there yet to massage.

Offline gyn255

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thanks for your reply i appreciate it alot,
          Yeah after doing a lot of reading on here last few hours I think your right I am hoping for results too fast, the reason I was scared coz it looked better a week post op then it does now (2 weeks post op) I guess this is just the start of the scar tissue forming?! Also I could lift my arms above my head - not my intention just happened whilst sleeping! And I felt this sharp pain that woke me up and the next day I was very swollen both sides. Just wondering if any1 else out there has had any similar experience, and can reassure me of the healing process? Will it get worse before gets better? Thankyou....

Offline gyn255

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