Author Topic: Nolvadex is actually working!  (Read 3255 times)

Offline King_V

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So i have been trying Nolvadex for about 7 days now, taking 1 20mg tablet every night, and whaddaya know? Its actually making my puffy nipples smaller. When I feel the lump under my nipples it does certainly feel smaller and when I poke my chest across the nipple area it is almost as tough (and less 'podgy') as the rest of my chest. When I tense my chest the nipple area doesn't poke out so much. And an athlete I haven't been feeling the side effect of tiredness and loss of breath (which I tried to counter by taking it in the night before bed ;)).

Something else also feels different; I feel more vigourous, my abs and other muscles feel harder and I don't sweat as much as I used to - and I used to sweat a lot! Like I would sweat from sneezing or just steadily walking, but I don't now.

Can't wait to see what happens after a month.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 10:11:24 AM by King_V »

Offline jmxt2

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tbh you would be better even if it
is working like u say, to run it at 40mg coz 20 is pretty low. i have even run at 80mg then dropped to 60 then 40 over say 4 weeks

Offline King_V

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tbh you would be better even if it
is working like u say, to run it at 40mg coz 20 is pretty low. i have even run at 80mg then dropped to 60 then 40 over say 4 weeks

Were your problems solved by taking dosages like that?

I feel 20mg is fine with me, as I know while this may treat gyno and breast cancer it can also make you prone to other cancers. Plus some liver damage.

Offline skyhawk

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Seven days strikes me as too soon to see any change from anything. Do you have progressive pics?

Offline King_V

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Seven days strikes me as too soon to see any change from anything. Do you have progressive pics?

The funny thing is my digital camera broke a few days ago. But I have an earlier pic of my gyno on here, so I'll just top that up with a post-Nolvadex one. But the changes are there. And I'm still eating the same so its def not weight loss.

Nolvadex cures most bodybuilders with low level gyno in a matter of days though.

Offline AvionicsMarine

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that is good news. i am currently awaiting my nolva also. how long have you had the gyno, because i heard if its over a year(not sure if true or not) that nolva wouldnt help. what about side effects of nolva? the military is giving me surgery in august, but if nolva does the trick, i am not going to get it

Offline Paa_Paw

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You are free to Disagree, of course. But I think Playing with drugs that alter your reproductive physiology is about as safe as a five year old playing with blasting caps.

If you are under competent medical supervision with regular lab tests to monitor progress, please accept my apology for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Trying to adjust your hormones is not a "Do It Yourself" job.
Grandpa Dan

Offline dcvet

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Some studies have found that Nolvadex, used for 10 days at a dosage of 20mg daily, increased serum testosterone levels to 142% of baseline.

That would most likely be the reason for feeling better and more vigorous.

I know some bodybuilders that take anti-e's even off of their steroid cycles constantly to elevate test levels.  Also helps keep bloat and water retention down.

Offline moobius

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nolvadex is not working to rid you of gyne; stop taking it and see what happens.... you'll be right where you were before hand, just more disappointed b/c of the false hope you gained from the nolva

Offline RyanMace

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Nolvadex might helt against newly developed gyno. But, if you've had it for a couple of years, it's obviously there to stay, unless you remove it surgically.

Offline headheldhigh01

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^ what he said.  and hormones are a complicated thing, not just test/estro, so like paa paw said, playing with them on your own is a tricky business. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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