Author Topic: Any Scottish sufferers?  (Read 4335 times)

Offline Doug800

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I went to my GP months ago and he fobbed me off.

The problem seemed to be getting worse so I went back and he referered me to the hospital.

Straight away the consultant said gynecomastia.

That was in November and due to some sort of mix up I return tomorrow for follow up consult. and blood test results.

Wish me luck!!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2005, 04:59:24 AM by Doug800 »

Offline Chorlton

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Good luck.

Let us know the result of the consultation.


Offline Doug800

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Bloods are fine.

Refered to breast clinic for biobsy then looks like I'm off to the plastic surgeon.

The consultant today made me kinda understand that I have always had it (although very mild) but is uncertain why it has become more apparent now.

I have not trained for a while and only took creatine/protien supplements with a healthy diet.

He did say I have been drinking too much though!! :(

I'll keep you posted.

Offline AJP

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I'm sure I've heard somewhere that heavy drinking increases oestrogen production, and therefore acts as a cause/catalyst to gynecomastia?!?

Also I've heard that heavy marijuana consumption can play a part. Whether this is an old wife's tale, I'm not sure. However, I did smoke a hell of a lot of weed from 16 to about 21. I'm not in any way advocating the drug, or saying that I am proud of the fact that I smoked it. To be honest I think it is one of the worst things a man can do to himself. A close friend of mine ended up as a paranoid schizophrenic as a result of heavy cannabis use. He is on all manner of anti-depressant drugs, and struggles to keep a firm grip on reality. I am quite ashamed that I was using as much as I did.

I'm quite sure there are many people here that have used cannabis, or even use it regularly. Gynecomastia apart  -  stop.

Woa! I've had a bit of a rant there! Maybe had a few too many Stellas. Oh, the irony! ;)
Another happy Levick Lad.

Offline siqveland

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Hi doug

Im from glasgow and saw the consultant around september time.... he did a biopsy and said there was nothing to worry about so he referred me to a plastic surgeon but said it would prob take about a year :o(

Offline AJP

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You are a scammer, a spammer, a c*ck, a tw*t, a w*nker.

Get yourself f*cked off. Free Ipod my c*ck. Just f*ck off. We don't need idiots like you here.


Offline gettingridofit_uk

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Doug which surgeon are you with on the nhs if you don't mind me asking?  I'm also going for treament in scotland.  

Offline Doug800

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After being given the all clear on a biopsy (zero pain apart from small anaesthetic jab and a very bruised aftermath) I have been referred to Mr John Scott at the Royal in Glasgow. (referring consultant informed me he is the best plastic surgeon to deal with this)

I have also been informed that it could take over a year on the waiting list!!!

I need a lottery win before I can consider private. :'(

Any information on Mr Scott would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2005, 02:31:16 AM by Doug800 »


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