Author Topic: too much sex/ masturbation affect hormone levels?  (Read 20916 times)

Offline Gyno 44

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I have sex with my g/f once a day and usally masturbate once a day (ejaculating Twice in one day)

is this too much , and can it affect hormone level wich leads to gynecomatia?
i searched this on this site and people say it may or may not
i just wanna know if it may or may not cause gynecomatia?

Offline soonplz

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i sure hope not... hehe.

in all seriousness, it shouldn't do anything. if someone's found something to the contrary, do tell but that's kidn of a wives tale as far as i know.

Offline jackson318

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If getting off twice a day did cause gyne, then there'd be a lot more bra options for men. ;-)

Offline deftone

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Oh shit!!!I jerk off 5 times a day sometimes.Three on regular.Maybe this is the cause of my high prolactin levels!!!!!!!

Offline Gyno 44

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your things gotta be raw if you do 5 times a day? r u kidding about that?

Offline tunapuff

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I'm no expert, but my guess is that the constant jerking off is related to hormones being off.....not jerking off causing hormones to be off.

Offline AnonNZ

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Haha, OK, so I've thought about this one too. In addition to the zinc and prolactin levels, testosterone itself decreases for around 5 hours after ejaculation. I know I have lower than average testosterone levels and I've been watching what happens when I have sex/masturbate too much (1-2 per day). I get tired, cranky, confused easily, apathetic, lack energy and --- my breats grow just a tiny bit bigger (temporarily). It's noticeable but I think it's more related to fat rather than tissue. These symptoms are all to do with low levels of testosterone. I restrict myself to once every couple of days now and I feel a lot better. I keep fat off more easily and have a lot more energy. Plus sex is more fun now ;-) Some people, I'm sure, have hormones to burn and more resilient body structure, I appear to not. I also make sure I do lots of heavy weight exercises, eat plently of protein and limit the alcohol as much as I can.

Offline Gyno 44

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i was alking to some of my friends and they all beat it just as much as us and dont have breast, i dont thnk masturbation is related to gyne otherwise it woulkd be greatly known ect

Offline Badgene

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Oh shit!!!I jerk off 5 times a day sometimes.Three on regular.Maybe this is the cause of my high prolactin levels!!!!!!!

Heavy masterbation can easily be psycological. Like OCD Obssvie Compulsive Disorder. Dwelling on sexual thoughts. continues requirement for sexual gratification you are consuming chemicals in your head the way someone would consume a bag of chips to get some sort of releif or satisfaction. Before getting scared of harmone issues you should anylize your personal time. How much free time do you actually have? How often do you get bored? Since what age have you been exsposed to XXX rated material? How often do you find yourelf isolated? It can be a way of relief a way of entertaining yourself, giving yourself a fix. Any recreational drugs? Cocain, marujuana? You need to consider those things too

Or i could be wrong.....
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 01:11:15 PM by Badgene »

Offline Gyno 44

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what does ur post have to do with gyne ?

Offline Paa_Paw

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If choking your chicken caused Gynecomastia, every 17 year old would resemble Dolly Parton.
Grandpa Dan

irish lad

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no way man.. its this type of stuff that gets people paronoid really bugs me >:(

Offline ThatMethD1guy

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What is the basis for any of these theorys here, either pro-masterbation or anti-masterbation? HUman beings go days without food, human beings run 10K martathons and all kinds of stuff way more intense than masterbating. If I am sick and bedridden or I might masterbate 30 or 40 times or if I am with the right lady might have sex a dozen times in a couple of days. Are we saying that this kind of behavoir is depleting "vital juices" ? That sounds very much like something from the 1890's. When I sit on a plane for 10 hours, with no way to ejaculate...should I not walk off the aricraft feeling invigurated, if this were all true?

Are you guys just saying things that sound "plausible" to you? or is there any new reasearch to indicate that any of these coorelations are true? I have always wondered ....but have been reassured many times over the years by many sources, that it is quite simple:  Some people like sex and some could "take it or leave it" for any number of reasons. Just like some people eat to live and others live to eat.

Does anyone have a source they can site? I would be interested?

Offline Gyno 44

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i googled it and it says chemical/ hormones in your brain can be affected

and you have forgetfulness and other issues due to low chemicals/hormones

Offline Twin Peaks

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no way man.. its this type of stuff that gets people paronoid really bugs me >:(



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