Author Topic: Its GROWING  (Read 3296 times)

Offline IHELP

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  >:( Well my right gyno breast looks a little smaller than my left one, i got mad yesterday so i punched my left one a couple of times and it looks bigger now...... Its depressing maybe cuz i m still goign througth puberty?and also today i started working out, including on my chest cuz ive seen some pics of ppl soem how having theres bee reduced by doing workouts and  cardio

Im 15 and turning 16
125 pounds
slightly fat

Also how do you find out your bf%?

Offline Paa_Paw

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Having one breast larger or smaller than the other is not uncommon for men or women.

At your age, you are most likely in the the middle of puberty.

Working out seldom gets rid of Gynecomastia. In fact, sometimes the well developed pectorals cause the breast to be pushed forward and make it more prominent.

Some tenderness of the breast is normal, even in men. Unusual tenderness, soreness etc. would be reasons to see your Dr.

If you have concerns, see your Dr.  If you suspect that the breasts are still growing, get a referral to an Endocrinologist who specializes in pediatrics/puberty/development.

Quit punching yourself, that is not too bright a thing to do.
Grandpa Dan

Offline IHELP

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I know but i know working out wont get rid of it but i spoke to some other dude on this website and he said after a few weeks of bench pressing and cardio his got reduced and he had pics of it. Maybe cuz his was mostly fat? He said he had gyno but it looks to me that on the pic it might only be a lil

ALso how do u tell if u have gyno or fat?

Also how do u find out ur bf%?

Offline Paa_Paw

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The glandular tissue is usually firm and the fat is usually soft, even to the point of being squishy.

Note the word "usually."  Gland can also be soft and fat can also be firm. meaning that it is very easy to be misled. Note that here I used the word "can" as a qualifier.

The only way to know for sure is to see what has been removed when the surgery is done. This is why it would be wise to leave the surgeons options open so the procedure could be modified as it proceeds in response to what is found.

If you enter "Body Mass Index Calculator" on your search line, you'll find dozens of ways to calculate your BMI or Body fat percentage.

Offline IHELP

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I see but If i could find out if its fat (cuz my breasts seems to be squishy and soft even though im not that fat anywhere else) then instead of wasting money on surgery i could work it off.

Offline tunapuff

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At your age I'd give it time to go away naturally before considering surgery.  I'd also see an endocrinologist to see if there is anything that can be done to make sure it goes away naturally (while you still can).

And a body fat % test is not going to tell you if your gyne is fat or gland........but anyway I'd just pick up a cheap set of fat calipers.


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