Author Topic: drugs n gyne  (Read 2355 times)

Offline Bigchest123

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if my gyne wasnt created by smoking marajuana or drinking in the first place..... do u think that doing it after my surgery it would make my gyne come back?

Offline Badgene

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I found this for you (make sure you read the bottom)

From what I understand these things are probably hard for them to know for sure. The government hardly ever does long term studies on volunteers with "illegal drugs" and such a study would take god knows how many years on end for confirmation. Unless someone else has some statistical evidence with enough people who are diagnosed with gyne can confirm they were only gyne related post marijuana exposure this is diffucult. I think the way they theroize this is as follows:

Marijuana apparently can do some minor things with harmones. specifically it does things with estrogen. or as this site suggests maybe lowers testosterone a bit too. I dont know how old you are and I dont know how long uve been smoking the gonj but I would be willing to bet my years salary that you were getting gyne no matter what you might have done. Marijuana probly didnt even effect it.

All these things from what I understand come from theory. They know the effects some of these drugs can have with harmones, and they know what harmones can possibly do to people. Theyve been saying Ganja causes Breast growth since 1970 so who knows man. I doubt they did for sure.

I would theorize that a healthy average person could probly counteract most possible side effect, as any female cannot expect her breasts to grow from smoking it either as its probly not even enough effect. But if you have a real harmone thing and maybe we do (us gyne sufferers) perhaps we are in fact more "suseptable" to exposure, specifically the estrogen vs testosterone direction. In your interest perhaps we should continue to get endocrinolgy reports to keep tab on anything

I admit I've been heavily "exposed" (ahem) to marijuana before, but I knew I had gyne since 11 (without knowing what it was) so my smoke exposure and any other such behavior was a result from me already having the gyne. I doubt its made much of a difference in how much gyne I have(had). It is for sure that certain things you put in your body especially certain medications can most definitly give you breast result. But these days they can also say anything that could make you paranoid: for I could easily suggest to you that eating steroid enhanced chicken from BK and Mcd and drinking water from these crapthin storebought plastic waterbottels could do things to you too in theory but I would be wildly lacking in any actual phsyical proof of such a thing, tho plenty of people are certainly paranoid enough to when it comes to some things I wouldnt let stuff like that get to you.

Nonetheless people continue to sight this link between marijuana and breast growth so in the best interest of my and your health we might want to assume its true. Especially if you are getting this surgery you will assumbly look great and you dont want the slightest bit of development to come back in the event that you and I are somehow continuesly suseptable. The bottom line most likey being, marijuana cant be helping the situation.

I am currently recovering from Gyne removal and this is a topic I am very interested in. Emotional trauama Ive suffered over years is catostrophic, I dont think Ive been handleing it well and ive really taken enjoyment from this particular vice as it really does make things feel better and allow me to forget my woes for at least a little while. I don't know how far I can go with it but I am most definitly considering at least drastically cutting down my "exposure" to the smoke. I cant afford another operation. I have been "exposure" free for about a month now. My surgeon specifically said any exposure to even second hand smoke could be catastrophic for the reforming of my nipples. So in the very least its imperitive that you NOT smoke idealistically 6 weeks prior to your operation and a few weeks afterwards. smoke does horrors to the blood system apparently.

I am the last person I ever though to consider such a thing but maybe in the interest of ourselves we should stop. But it all really considers whats important to you. Could you live with a slight ammount of nippleg or tenderness again in later years from now should such a thing occur?

I just said a whole lot but plz know that I am NOT a doctor Im just a guy and I hope everything works out for you. This thing we suffer from (gyne) is a most unfair of afflictions any good person would have to endure.

interesting side note: others are claiming marijuana can somehow stop the growth of cancer cells in the breast

If anyone else knows better information plz tell us.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 10:49:35 PM by Badgene »

Offline Bigchest123

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i also had gyne since i was 11 or 12... and i started smokeing like a year ago.... and i dont smoke that much but i havent sinc emy surgery..... and its wierd cuz my Brother has gyne to.... so maybe it is jsut hormonal.... im 19 years old now and hes 20... i had the surgery 2 months ago and he hasnt had the surgery i dont even know if he knows what gyne is at all acctually but we were both extremely overweaight as kids and then whe we hit teenage years we started lifting big weights and lost the fat but still ahd the gyne.... but i would love to know if marijuana and alcohal does cost gyne i dont know if its worth risking though

Offline Paa_Paw

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If you had followed the link and read to the bottom of the page, it referred to "susceptible males."

Often we get a lot of argument about marijuana and Gynecomastia because someone has a friend that smokes like crazy but does not have Gynecomastia. So the writer says "see, it doesn't cause Gyne".

We are all individuals and not everyone is susceptible to Gynecomastia. If you are, smoking pot would be asking for it.

Regarding the use of marijuana for cancer. The marijuana is not used to treat the cancer. An extract of marijuana is sometimes useful in treating the side effects of chemotherapy.
Grandpa Dan


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