Author Topic: IF MEN IN BRAS BOTHER YOU DON"T READ!!!!  (Read 77345 times)


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Another old topic I feel compeled to reply to....OMG I cant believe how many guys said they would not wear a bra in fear of what other people would think...

      YES I WEAR A REGULAR BRA and I dont care who knows it lately i cant get comfortable enough to sleep with out one one,I dont go in for lace,sexy,padded or under wire bras,,but when I want to reduce the detection factor I buy Hanes bras I find them very comfortable, one type is model no g195 they come in white black and nude colors they do have underwires and padding but I take the underwires out and very carefully cut out the padding,i buy the white ones then I will buy plain white T-shirts and plain white tank tops,a 5 pack of t-s and tanks to one bra and a small bottle of clothes dye,say blue,then dye the bra and shirts together I will then have a bra and shirts that all match in color,put the bra on then the tank then the tee,the shoulder straps of the tank mask the thoulder straps of the bra the low cut of the back of the tank some what masks the band and the Tee masks every thing else and all being the same color does wonders,most times I take a cotton string (like the string you would tie a roast with) and tie it around the shoulder straps in the back of the bra, it pulls the straps in closer so the straps stay under the shoulder straps of the tank it's almost the same thing as wearing a racer back bra and unless some one looks real close or if some one like a wife or girl friend that know you wear a bra it just about undectable.......

Offline Bman41

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Sounds like a lot of work, but if it works, worth it.

I have found some t-shirt bras that are very surprisingly hard to detect on my shirts.  Even my black t-shirts.  I tend to favor dark colors.  But have one gold polo and even on that it is almost undetectable.  Proper fitting is key, too tight and the bulges show and magnify the look that you have a bra on. 

I have a Curvation 5304454 (being sold out now, bummer!) that is a minimizer and really is VERY comfortable and hard to see.  I hardly wear anything else now.  I hope I can find more, I got this one for $3 on the clearance rack. 

I know, some stigma to wearing one, but I have got to a point I am not going to live my life to fit into how someone else thinks.  I can't care that much.  My wife is ok with it, she knows how I feel.  So I just care only about her. 


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EXACTLY! we all come in a wide range of characteistics: fat, skinny, I'm loosing my hair, showing some wrinkles and now have a nice little set of breasts. Give me the $5000 to chop them off and I'll buy a decent MG-B sports car and maybe a better bra with the money! The world is changing, it's impossible for a woman to be a transvestite in that all the clothes that were only men's are now sold in women's sections of Sears. Men now have ear rings, take care of their skin, have fat liposuctioned off their waists AND tens of thousands want and have breasts! Why not? it's OUR bodies

Offline Paa_Paw

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I'm 75, and if I suddenly turned up the price of surgery I'd probably use it for a down payment on a Sailboat.
Grandpa Dan

Offline RanmaS

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I found out 7 months ago that I have it.I started wearing bra soon after I found out.Bras feel natural to me and I am not ashamed by wearing them.


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I found out 7 months ago that I have it.I started wearing bra soon after I found out.Bras feel natural to me and I am not ashamed by wearing them.

And you shouldn't be ashamed to wear them, after all they were made to support breast, and if you have breast that need supporting, then you should support them!

Offline Bman41

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Yup yup.  I honestly don't really care anymore, it is soo much more comfortable and confident wearing one than not and having my chest sag and feel the pull on the (my guess Coopers) ligaments.  No more pain, no more sweat buildup under my breasts making sweat lines on my shirt underscoring my breasts.  With a t-shirt bra in most cases it is virtually impossible to be seen (get a good one), the only thing I have found that is problematic is the adjusters that they always put on the back. 

Try a Olga side smoothing unlined bra.  I got one for $10 at Marshalls or Ross.  Very comfortable and very hard to see.  Great place to get high quality bras for a cheap price, and new  Used bras often are worn out and not worth it.  Sometimes you can find one that is used that hasn't been worn (someone bought but it didn't fit). 

You get what you pay for.  Higher end bras like Soma or Wacoal are pricey, but they are really really nice.  Sure, a Chevy will get you from point A to point B, but a Mercedes will do it soooooo much better...  But most costly.

Budget, look at a Playtex M470 or Bali 3470 (same identical bra). Sams has them 2 for $22 around here.  Many rave about them.  I haven't tried yet.

I found out 7 months ago that I have it.I started wearing bra soon after I found out.Bras feel natural to me and I am not ashamed by wearing them.

And you shouldn't be ashamed to wear them, after all they were made to support breast, and if you have breast that need supporting, then you should support them!


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My gyne isn't as bad as to where one is necessary but I drive a forklift and run a lot and they do bounce a bit and become sore so yes I wear a sports bra at work and yes i wear regular seamless bras and lightly lined ones around the house to keep them in place for comfort. not around my gf though, though she knows i have them

Offline expedient-traveller

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Regular bra: no
Sports bra: yes

I simply need the support and compressing them is very bothersome and uncomfortable. At times when they are sore or just very tender,I am very grateful for the support and protection they provide. I am not really big at all but what I have needs support. Besides, a sports "bra, binder, supporter" is for support and is a great help.

Offline Bman41

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My problem with a sports bra is it can show around the neck some for racerback models.

Offline leosud

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Regular bra : Yes, every day.
Sport bra : no, for me it's uncomfortable and compression causes pain in the breast.

Offline bill44b

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1)  Do you wear a regular bra for your Gynecomastia?

2)  Do you wear a sports bra for your Gynecomastia?

Currently I wear underwire bras for the support. I have been wearing bras from my mid 20's, I am now 59. I use to try to hide the fact that I was wearing a bra, but now I don't care if anyone can see that I have a bra on.

Offline expedient-traveller

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This is an addendum to my earlier reply.
1) Regular bra: Yes (now)
I am now needing a regular bra since having my boobs squashed for 16 hours a day is very uncomfortable and is causing my ribs to hurt. I have taken the advice of my fellows (you all) and have dared to look at some regular support devices (bras). I have had to put up with the chest "assets" for years but only in the last year have they required support since they have decided to increase their size. One of the ladies here at work caught me adjusting the straps on my sports bra and asked about it. Turns out her brother has Gynecomastia and she immediately became a source of information on what he does to care for it as well as she has given advice on bras. People really care once they understand it is something that is not in our control. Sure there are those who are so unsure of themselves that they mock many things and people, but they are few. We build up in our own minds that everyone can see our bra straps and notice our boobs sticking out.
A simple example of this just happened today at work. I had to move my arms in such a way to grab a tool and by doing so I stretched my shirt (button-down) very tight over my bra which pushed my boob out where it could not be missed. There was no reaction, hic-up in the conversation nor any other acknowledgement that I had "assets" on my chest.

2) Sports Bra: Yes, I practically live in them but I am going to move toward tee-shirt bras which are almost undetectable and they do not smash and squash my "assets" against my chest.

Point of it all: People really do not see what we see. We see our boobs as some great mountain range which cannot but be noticed when people really do not see them as we do. If I wear my university tee-shirt to do yard work, sure my boobs are going to be far more noticeable but if we are not in something tight then people will not pay attention to our "assets". They are more interested in their own lives than looking for guys with boobs.

We are not held prisoner to our breasts unless we choose to be held prisoner. LIVE! Life is good regardless of the immediate situation, besides, if someone asks about visible strap lines just tell them they are support straps and the person will think you need some back support or some such thing.

Live well!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 03:29:32 PM by expedient-traveller »

Offline gwj26B

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I answer yes to both. stops the bounce and discomfort. I now know what my wife used to complain of all the time re sore back etc when going without


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Gentlemen, yesterday I was one week home after having my 3rd back surgery as I'm sure most of you already know which is 100% more painful then the pain that my 46H's give me on my worse days, but my dear sweet Debbie said to me, "you know honey, you've been going a long time without your bra on, don't you think it's about time you put one back on?"

My answer was to her was "you are absolutely correct, but I'm feeling so restricted in my movement now as it is I don't want to add more clothing". She then asked, "but, you want to add more upper back pain to all the lower back pain that you already have"?

It's so great having a loving, care, and understanding wife!


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