Author Topic: Diary TIme - with pre and 3, 11 day post op pics  (Read 4921 times)

Offline Niall84

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So my surgery is next Friday 1st August with Dr Benito.  I had my consult back on the 27th June in London which was a good experience for me as i had never travelled anywhere that far on my own.  I got a flight from Belfast city to Heathrow and then the tube to Regent park. The day before my consult however some jackass pulled out in front of me in his american style truck with a trailer on the back and i had to avoid him which ended up with me off the road, the funny thing was as i was hurtling to my death was that the only thing I was thinking was, shit i'm going to miss my consult,lol. Luckily i was just a little shaken as i ended up in a ditch that i was able to reverse out, the guy who caused it though drove on  >:(  So i made it to London and Dr Benito was very nice, he told me that i had fat and gland and then went into all the stuff you can already read on here. 
He told me the options of going through the nipple or armpit and so far i'm thinking that i'll go with the nipple as i want to be back to work pretty quickly.  He quoted me a price of £2800 and i said i was happy to go ahead with him as my surgeon.  After leaving i was heading straight back to Heathrow and Aida called me just as i was going down to the tube, however the reception went and i eventually ended up talking to her the next day. I booked myself in for the 1st and now all I'm thinking is this is going to be the last weekend i have with these moobs and I can't wait to get rid of them.
I still haven't received the consent forms though, so I might email them to make sure they haven't forgotten about me,lol.

I'll be heading to Belfast on Thurs nite to get a bus to Dublin airport in early hours (im flying from Dublin to get out to spain early enough, i didn't want to sort out staying in a hotel). Once im back i'll probably post some pics of me after the op. Heres a few before, they're not great but i just took them as i was sitting here tying, couldn't be bothered doing the timer thing.

I am currently 12 1/2 stone and i am 6ft 2", i could stand to lose some fat but this wouldn't help the gyne as its the puffy nipples that drive me crazy and thay stay exactly the same no matter what weight im at.  I was 10 1/2 stone around year and a half ago and they still looked horrible.

So thats all for now, im excited and nervous and can't wait to start the recovery.

Thanks for listening
« Last Edit: August 12, 2008, 02:25:12 PM by Niall84 »

Offline Niall84

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I hate this compression vest so much!

So im back from Barcelona, I'll try to keep it short. Had the op friday nite, had it done through the aereola.  The drain on my right side didn't seem to be working too well so during the night I had blood seeping out onto my gown and eventually the bed. When the nurses came in and seen it though the put some more dressing on it and changed the sheets. I also couldn't pee in that thing, so i grabbed the drains and drip and headed to the toilet, however the nurses caught me out of bed,lol. I did get my pee tho.  After that i was able to force myself to go in the bedpan thing. 
The next day Benito came and took my drip out and was back in the afternoon to remove the drains and put the vest on. Was quite shocked when i saw my chest as the nipples looked like wrinkled bits of skin and there was quite a bit of concavity on my right side. Pretty worried about the nipples at this stage as they don't look right at all, of course they still have stitches in them and its only been a few days but would like some reassurance.
The next day I was supposed to leave before 12 but they let me stay for lunch, so i didn't leave till 2.  I then went to check out camp nou before my taxi at 3. Unfortunately they weren't letting people in when i got there, only letting people out, i don't know why.  However i would warn anybody that walking around spain with the vest on is not a great idea, I thought i was going to end up back at the hospital with heat stroke. Anyway i headed back got my taxi and waited around at the airport for a few hours til my flight. Again the heat was really getting to me.

So thats it for now, i'll put pictures up when i can but im not exactly comfortable with how im looking as i think someones going to say it looks bad.

Also does this vest get any easier to wear?  Is it necessary to wear it around the stomach area as well?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 06:42:26 AM by Niall84 »

Offline Niall84

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Okay, had a shower there so i could change the dressing and im not feeling so bad. It's definitely the stitches thats causing the nipples to have that crease so i'll need to wait and see what they look like once they're removed. I don't think its looking too bad. I dont know why the bruising is so bad at the bottom. Hopefully by next week i should have a better idea of how it looks.

Offline Niall84

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Another pic

Offline bagels

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Another pic
i saw your pics and they seem similar to my own gyno. looking forward to seeing your recovery so hope you can keep me updated. hope it turns out ok. how much was it all together if ya dont mind me asking

Offline Niall84

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It was £2800 for the surgery and everything related to it-room, food, medication and compression vest. They also pay for a taxi to collect you from airport (if you arrive before 11:30 the morning of the surgery) and leave you back. The only thing you have to do is sort out flights which you pay for yourself.  Its definitely a good price.  I initially looked into travelling to america before i found this forum and it was much more complicated and expensive.  Travelling to spain ended up being a lot easier.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask.  I'll probably be posting new pics next Monday after i get my stitches removed by my doctor.

Offline Niall84

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Well got the stitches out yesterday and everything seems to be coming along.  One slight problem is that my left nipple got a little raw on Friday and skin started to come off, there was also some pus in the crease.  Doctor said it was fine though and i got some iodine put on it. Still bleeding a little today after shower so exposing it to the air for a while without any bandage or vest over it.
So heres the pics

Offline WXYZ

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Dude, what's up with your right side? It looks odd. Did Benito do skin excission?

Offline Niall84

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Not sure what you mean, if you mean the nipple on my left side, then i already explained that, if not then you'll need to explain what you're talking about.

Offline Blue2

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Did you take the pic in the mirror? If so that would explain the question from WXYZ! And yes, you already naswered that one!   8)
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline WXYZ

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It looks like the right side has a bit more loose skin than the left side. Will the skin adjust over time or remain like that? That's why I wondered if he did skin excission.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 04:55:29 PM by WXYZ »

Offline equium

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Mate dont worry, you're only a few days post op. I had oozing and a little bleeding from my incisions and was quite swollen too. You'll see how good Benito is in the next few months :-)

Offline outertrial

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You have a reasonable amount of swellin, should look good when it goes down though.


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