Author Topic: O $W*&%$ Great  (Read 5101 times)

Offline IHELP

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I just found out that my religion doesnt allow cosmetic surgery unless its a must, and im 15 and already ruined my life dreams. Im pretty sure that my gyno wont go away after puberty since its HUGE. Do you guys think i should continue to do chest exercises to build muscle under my gyno even though i wont get surgery? Since the gyno wil lget pushed out further? Becuase if i did work out and got surgery it will look nice but without surgery will it still be nice? or should i just no workout and live my life in a hole?

EDIT: ALSO i dont belive i am overweight im only 125 lb and 5' 5" but by looking at other peoples photos i think i have soem fat, and by doing chest exercises and BULKING not losing weight but a lil cardio do you think i can burn soem fat on my chest?
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 11:52:16 AM by IHELP »

Offline Badgene

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Thats interesting......but since we are on the topic, whats your religion? You don't have to answer if ya don't want to but now I'm curious.

I think you should do whats right for you, religion is designed to help people cope with living in an insane world by providing a sense of sanity and order whether or not one believes in god, but don't let it destroy you.

You don't want the surgery because of how you feel about your faith? or is that your parents/grandparents talking?

Besides my friend

my religion doesn't allow cosmetic surgery unless its a must

This ain't a fake boob job or a nose shrinker or botox injects, couldn't you argue for your sake that this IS a must? See my way of looking at it is this isn't a "cosmetic" enhancement procedure, I got my surgery (paid through the noes and currently recovering) because I wanted to FIX an physical DEFORMITY which was without no doubt holding my life back.

You could say that you need "corrective" surgery, not cosmetic (thats a word used for insurance companies)

But if your capable of sticking with the gyne and being happy that thats great dude you surely have a stronger will then I. I could just no longer take the looks and I couldn't go to bars and was in capable of mustering the courage to ask a girl with these jumbos in her face.

Offline Badgene

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I just picure myself going into a bar or club or at a party trying to get some girl only to be confronted by some jackhole and ending up in a tiff.

I could say whatever I want to the guy but what if he says something like "nice boobs dude" in front of the girl or others....

What the hell is one suppose to say to that???

I got surgery. Now I dont have to worry about that unless I get bad swelling or a regrowth.

Offline Gyno 44

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i dont think God will care if you get surgery, thats why he gave you free will.

Offline IHELP

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ehm btw im muslim..

Secondly, you could say by doing this surgery it will help me mentally so its an ok excuse...but i will have to give it some thought and also this isnt my parents speaking right now... its me currently... until i acutally tell me parents that i have gyno i nthe first place..

Also im 15 turning 16 and maybe by the time im 18 it could dissapear uut until im even 18 il jsut cope with it by wearing black t -shirts...

Offline The_G0rn

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How ridiculous. I sure hope that muslims never get control of the world...
talk about medieval style oppression and beliefs...
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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I have a number of Muslim patients who come in for purely cosmetic surgery - tummy tucks, rhinoplasties, liposuction, etc. etc.  They actually live in Saudi Arabia.

I see nothing cosmetic about gynecomastia surgery, in case that's the reason that it's forbidden.

Dr. Pope, M.D.
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline Gyno 44

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allah  wont care

I really doubt back in the day allah told mahumid - no plastic surgery.
        thats just the extremist of ur religion talking out of thier ass

Offline Badgene

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your very young dude.

I do know where your coming from tho. Being raised a strict catholic they did a very good job implanting the "going to hell" phobia in my mind but thats what they do. Thats how we survived thousands of years-people need to have rules. They told me if I used protection or did the naughty before marriage, skip church on sunday, be mean to my parents, eat meat on Friday, acknowledge the existence of gay people as well as their right to live, not hold the door open for people when they are behind me, not tell the priest every little thing I did inside the box, forget to pray before eating, not eating a Eucharist,

if I had a baby and didn't splash water on its head he will burn in hell no matter what he does in life, if I had a baby and it died before I could splash water on its head it could only exist in the nothingness of purgatory (the church decided to change their mind a year ago about that one, they do that all the time) , if I looked at a photo of a naked girl, if I wanted to look at a photo of a naked girl, if I looked at the back of a girl in an inapproate manner with inappropriate thoughts,

Any of these things will see me in a pit of lava where I shall be reanimated infinity fold so I could be melted again, sliced into shards, eaten by dogs, raped by demons, eat glass for dinner, enjoy vivisection on a continues infinite frequency have my skin ripped off, have my testicles made into soup, put my eyeballs in an oven have my limbs hacked and mangled, nostrils torn side to side, have my brain eaten like a soup by a furry demon until he gets full (he never does), have my skin melted and my skeletal baked, hung upside down and gutted, have my noes ears and tongue eaten, my face ripped off, my spine will be satans chair, my skull his cup for brew, my fingers will be eaten like pretzels, my lungs used as bags for currency, my stomach shall explode with sulphuric acid and a train shall travel up my anus (repeatedly)

This will continue forever till the end of eternity. I might might might be able to apologize and get away with it but god will know that I only am sorry because I dont want to go to hell and am afraid.

You know its funny how we only started with 10 rules, the rest is population control, conformity, civil organization.

They created marriage because they knew even way back then that we had to pair up otherwise everyone would wake up with a slashed throat in the chaos of claiming mates for themselves. Its also hard to tax people when you cant keep track of how many people there are or who they belong to. You can see how this worked well in the early ten-hundreds. According to my faith's strict doctrine anyone who isnt apart of my faith shall experience these things (hell). Does that sound like a great plan? Sounds about as good as living with a deformity because of the fear of doing something about it.

Whatever god is. Humanity has abused his graces to an un-holy end.

But I want you to understand Im not talking about you Im talking about me. I do not mean to start religious debate nor do I wish to challenge yours or your allegiance to the almighty.......

I guess what Im trying to say is that I spent all this time getting obsessed over this crap and in the end realized that my morals were in fact still warped. I came to the conclusion all the things I did because god was watching me and judging me at the end. I simply did not do not wish to go to hell and thats the base for actions and belief. I have to believe otherwise the above paragraph might happen to me. Good and wrong became defined by going to hell or not going to hell. But I think today we are intelligent enough to understand the true nature of right and wrong with resorting the ultimate threats.

I want you to take care of yourself and do what you need to and have to so that you dont grow up regretting I did. Faith and god, you can still have faith in yourself
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 07:35:39 PM by Badgene »

Offline sixpack

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I just found out that my religion doesnt allow cosmetic surgery unless its a must


There is nothing in the Quran that says That you cant get the surgery.  If your teeth were messed up wouldn't you get it fixed by getting braces? or is that cosmetics?  Gyne can cause other problems as well.  It takes away your confidence so it collapse in your chest instead of you "expanding" it. Causing your shoulders and back to droop, weighing down your back, causing painful kyphosis.

Surah 94 the Expansion

Have we not expanded for thee thy breast,
and removed from thee thy burden,
which weighed down thy back,
and exalted for thee thy mention?
After difficulty comes ease
Surely after difficulty comes ease
So when thou art free from anxiety, work hard
And make thy Lord thine exclusive object

Offline IHELP

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hehe thx for all the responses u guys. Ive decided that if my bulking and then my cardio still leave my gyno as big as it is (its ridulously big) Then i will get surgery maybe when im 18 - 19. Right now there is still a chance that its just puberty gyno right? Even though ive had it forl iek 3 years now?

Offline Bigchest123

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guys dont have boobs.... women have boobs... so a guy that has boobs isnt that a problem???? gyne can lead to breast cancer since the gland is breast tissue.... so in the long wrong you are gonna be more able to get cancer you think god wants that????

Offline ellington7

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God would want you to be happy, so get the damn surgery and don't let any gung ho religious freaks tell you other wise...I don't normally do this but let me ask you a surgery even a sin if it's needed?  What if by not having the surgery it's causeing you to be mentally ill?  is that a good cause for surgery? 

look...get the surgery because Im pretty sure that heaven isn't on the line for doing so one way or the other...

I might get in trouble for this one, but hey...
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 03:55:28 AM by ellington7 »

Offline Ernster86

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With all due respect, forget your religion in this case.

It amazes me how people can let a religion dictate their life, when NOBODY has 100% proof that god or the bible are fact.

If there is a God, he would want you to be happy, so just get the surgery, its your life, no1 elses.

Offline IHELP

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alright ill do surgery but i know for a fact that even docs wont do surgery on me since im still 15, ill wait till im 18 is that alright?


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