Author Topic: TO USE OR NOT TO USE  (Read 1357 times)

Offline dr.darkmind

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Well guys, i made a topic where i included an a video about me, that video helped me a lot, because you answered it, and i finally acepted that my gyno has gone, but, the problem not ends there...
to much time has past since i was making gym exercise, .... actually my tummy has got some cm... any way, i know how to make it fly away jeje...
the fact is that when i started mankin exercise, and going to the gym, i used to use suplements and complements, yo know the protein, and things like that... a month before my surgery, the doctor said that something was wrong whit my gyno, because one date before, the gyno was bigger, and that day, the gyno became to a pseudo gyno...
so i thoug that may be the protein i was using, was causing my problem....
i have to say that all the time i used suplementes whit fat free, carbs free, and whit no kalories... so i dont really know where was the problem..
when i started studing medicine, i found some answers, because, i supose this,...
i was using an a protein based in a soya extract....and milk extract... or whatever...
the fact is the soya supose to be used in women that are in a avanced age, when the hormones are not sufficient...
and the soya makes some actions in their organims that converts some things in a pseudohormones...
i dont know how to expresate that because my english is really really limited... so i hope to get your atention...

well. my problem is tihs...
in the last month i have been using an a compressing vest...the "body signer light"
and it makes my skin a litte less visible...and the fat i won trought the last year...

i dont make exersice at this time... im really deep into my school... and exams...
but i want to start going the gym... and i want to take suplements again... to winn muscle mass
but im afraid to get again my gyno...
because i told you over here...

i hope you help me and if you can, at less i would like to read some good things....

shit.. i dont know how to expresate my self....
btw.... thanks...

En español puedo mucho mejor
el problema es que antes que me operaran estaba usando suplementos como proteina, pero basados en soya, y se supone que la soya se les da a las mujeres pre y post menopausicas... lo cual supuestamente les ayuda a generar estrogenos...
lo cual en mi se convertirian en andrógenos... y es lo menos que quiero...
cuando fui a mi segunda cita, ya habia dejado de usar los suplementos y el doctor dijo k tal vez los suplementos me causaban esa reacción, ademas que durante la temporada que use´suplementos, engorde notablemente, pero si obtuve mucha masa muscular...

ahora quiero hacer de nuevo ejercicio... ir al gym.. y levantar pesas... para ganar musculo... pero ahora de nuevo con suplementos... pues desafortunadamente durante 6 meses probe hacer ejercicio sin suplementos y no hubo en lo absoluto ganancia muscular... solo baje de peso...

asi k estoy algo trabado aqui..
que me sugieren..

Offline Gyno 44

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dont take supps , just protien shakes 2-3 times a day. Lift hard. IT will take 6 months to see noticable results if you go naturally

Offline dr.darkmind

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sorry but...
what you mean whit protein shakes...
you mean i have to make a mix of fruit, meat, egg...???


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