Author Topic: how long until the stitches dissolve?  (Read 6622 times)

Offline metallica23

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Hi, I'm about to  be 4 weeks post-op and was wondering when the stitches will dissolve? I still have those bandage things covering the incision and i can see the stitches behind them, p.s. said they would dissolve on them own. How long did it take for you guys?


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Hi, I'm about to  be 4 weeks post-op and was wondering when the stitches will dissolve? I still have those bandage things covering the incision and i can see the stitches behind them, p.s. said they would dissolve on them own. How long did it take for you guys?

How long sutures take to dissolve depends on the type of suture material, size of the suture, nature of the tissue, and individual factors.  For my Gynecomastia Dynamic Sculpture of the Male Chest, I typically use 2 to 4 different types of dissolvable sutures.  Some problems require permanent sutures that do not dissolve.

You can see some of the suturing here: Photographs during Short Scar Gynecomastia Surgery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia Breast Surgery

Offline broadsidebrother

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When the tape fell off after a week I couldnt see them. Maybe they were clear and didnt notice them.


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When the tape fell off after a week I couldnt see them. Maybe they were clear and didnt notice them.

I typically place my dissolvable sutures under the skin such that they are normally not seen.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia


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