Author Topic: Karadis cost?  (Read 4019 times)

Offline anon90

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hi guys just so you know I'm an 18 year old with a case of unilateral Gyne (on the left side) ,I'm 5 foot 6  and about 9 stone with a slim muscular physique.

i was just wondering what Mr karadis has quoted people on their surgery costs,what could i expect to be billed?

i know that everyone is quoted differently on the severity of there conditions and i believe mine is quite a minor case compaired to most, but knowing a rough estimate would really help me.

by having a guideline it would give me a goal to reach moneywise and will help me decide on what to do in the future

Offline kingboob

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Have you tried the NHS? Maybe they would be helpful to you as you are young, slim and with only the one side needing fixing they will find it harder to fob you off with the normal excuses of  'hormones' or 'normal range' etc.

Offline anon90

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yeah ive been trying the nhs route since i was 16/17 but it seems to be going nowhere

first i went to my GP who referred me to a specialist/surgeon,i had my bloodworks done (nothing unusual and my hormones were fine).i then saw the surgeon again the meeting was very brief and he simply told me to "wait and see" he also told me to come back six months later.
since then i have seen my GP again (this time a different doctor)and like the surgeon he also told me to wait and see, he also recommended the psychological route.i.e talking to a body image counsellor or something....

at this point im was kinda p*****d off. yeah i get the whole wait and see thing IF my hormones are whacked out, but my bloodtests are negative and ive had gyne for like 5 years... im sick of waiting  >:(

i am also not entirely comfortable having an nhs surgeon do the procedure i be much more comfortable with a reputable surgeon who has done this procedure more than a handful of times

im intrested in getting the procedure done by karadis as he is situated in the uk and i believe his methods are what i want

also i may have read it wrong but i think i saw someone on this board who had the procedure done for under £3000 but then again i might have been dreaming  :D

Offline EricO

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Hi Ya mate

I am having the op this week.  I am 37 and have lived with this since I was around 15, 16.  If I could go back to your age and this op was a possibility I would save my ass off and get it done.

There have been different quotes for Karidis on this site recently but I think there has been some confusion around this.

You have to pay two fees - one to Dr. Karidis and one to the hospital.  Both together come to about £4100.  I paid £500 more as my op is an overnight stay (my choice).

You also have to pay the £75 consultation fee.  You need to factor in travel costs to London (eg. for me it cost £47 on train and a further few pounds £4 I think on the tube).

If you aim to save £4200 ish this should cover it.

Hope that helps.
Surgery: 14-Aug-2008
Location: London, UK
Surgeon: Alex Karidis

Offline anon90

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thanks guys i guess its time for me to get a decent job and save my pennies

at least i know how much i need to save

i hope your op goes well EricO...good luck

irish lad

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most surgeons tend to higher their prices a small bit every year.. the more this surgery becomes popular the higher the price will go its quite sad really..but its the same with everything really.. i think the price should go down because of the recession lol :D.. but at the moment it is 4000 lol ;)

Offline WXYZ

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I don't know for sure but I think if you have a small unilateral gyne you should be charged considerably lesser than those who have it on both sides. After all it's only half the job. It'd be a rip-off if you were charged the full £4000+. The op should be done quicker too.
I tried the NHS route and was offered surgery, but declined as the surgeon was not experienced in gyne and couldn't answer my questions properly. In the end even he recommended I go private. It's best to get the gyne sorted sooner rather than later. As in the future it can affect your life, for example any jobs you may want - you can't take a job where you wear a T-shirt as part of the uniform, because everyone will notice.

Offline anon90

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it would make sense that the surgery cost would be reduced because of the severity but then again as irish lad says because its so popular the price drop isnt guaranteed. Hopefully karadis will lower the price.

moneywise ive already got a grand saved and my parents are willing to pay some money towards it hopefully i can raise the rest of the cash quickly and get the surgery over and done with. also ill probably have to pay extra aswell for overnight stay and travel expenses as i live up this rate its unlikely ill be able to get the surgery done before the year is out.*sigh*


Offline WXYZ

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anon90, If your parents are willing to pay even a part of it, then you should take up their offer and go for the op sooner rather than later. You can pay them back later. My parents are also helping out, since I've stopped working at the moment to help out re-decorating the house, I probably won't take another job until after I've had the op.
I think you can have it done before the end of the year as afternoon ops (overnight stay) are less popular, most tend to go for the morning ops because they want to go home the same day.

Offline bagels

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does anyone know how much karadis is when payed monthly. by that i mean how much is it a month and how much extra would you pay all together. thank you

Offline kingboob

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does anyone know how much karadis is when payed monthly. by that i mean how much is it a month and how much extra would you pay all together. thank you

Hi, I think you will find most surgeons don't do finance payment options, you need to raise the whole amount in one lump.   The only way to do that would be to get a personal loan from a bank and then use the money to pay the hospital fees.

Also, people on here saying the price should be reduced for 'smaller' operations - It doesn't quite work like that. 

 My understanding is if the total operation costs  say 4k,  roughly speaking probably half of that is hospital fees which the consultant pays to the hospital, the other half would be your surgeons fee.   Now the surgeon might reduce his fee a bit, but the hospital fees are almost certainly standard set fees for each procedure....................................................... that is (I imagine) how the hopsitals make their money,  a set fee for gyne correction might be say £1800, 99 out of 100 patients will be in an out after an overnight stay.......however that 1 in 100 could end up with complications and need a further operation or another couple of nights in hospital, which is usually FOC included in the original price. (with the BMI anyway)   - so they expect to make a profit on most operations but every now and then they are going to have a loser.

Another thing is, when it comes to medical treatment and cosmetic surgery it is kind of a closed market....... prices are fairly fixed and it isn't like going to a supermarket or used car forecourt, you are so limited as to choice that you can't really shop around  to get a better deal.   

« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 04:25:11 AM by kingboob »


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