Author Topic: What are the chances  (Read 2370 times)

Offline monkeyman

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Hello, I am 15 years old and I have gynco. It is not a mild case and it isn't very very bad either. But it is pretty bad. Bad enough that I have to walk hunched so my nipples don't stick out through my shirt. My gynco has significantly gotten worse over the past year. First It was just hard underneath my nipples then it my boobs started growing and growing. I think it has stopped growing for now. What are the chances that my gynco will go away in the next year or so?

Offline Paa_Paw

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You should see a Dr. And, you should do it without delay.

You have described your condition as both bad and not bad. You say the breasts have been growing in the past year. "Growing and growing" you said. Then you said that they are not growing now. Which is it?

If the growth was within the last year, there is a pretty good chance of regression if the event that caused the growth has passed. But 15 is probably a bit older than the age at which most pubertal Gynecomastia is noted. One possibility is that you are simply a bit late entering puberty.

Another possibility is that you simply had not noticed it until recently but that it has been there longer than you recall.

There are simply too many questions. Questions that a trip to the Dr. and some Lab tests could possibly clear up.
Grandpa Dan

Offline monkeyman

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Let me clear things up a little bit.

I started feeling a lump underneath one of my breasts at the age of 13. Over the next year, it happened to the other side and then my boobs started growing and then the growth has stopped in the last 3 months. So I have been at this current stage for the last few months. When I say it is not too bad, I am comparing it to the more severe cases that some people on this site have. I would say that I have a mild case. I just turned 15 last week by the way.

I did some research and found out that it usually disappears within a year so I was wondering what are the chances that it will disappear.

Offline headheldhigh01

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those cases where it goes away are probably cases where it's mostly minimal anyway.  take dan's advice, what you want is a referral to an endocrinologist who may be able to address the problem at the hormonal level that's causing it. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paa_Paw

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I think that expecting gynecomastia to regress in a year would be a bit overly optimistic. Which is why some surgeons want your condition to be stabilized for 2 years prior to surgery in many cases.

Three months is not long enough to be sure your condition is truly stabilized.

There could be exceptions, of course.


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