Author Topic: What is your worst gynecomastia memory :'(  (Read 127524 times)

Offline mthatch1

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Thanks guys, well I just sat down as everyone laughed and wondered what people were really laughing at all night....


Offline Grandpa Bambu

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After she thoroughly examined me.  She said, "well, he doesn't have a cell phone...but hes got t*ts!"   

OMG dude, that's a bit of a kick in the nads? 

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
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Offline mannyman742

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I've learned to bear through any random comments, or someone pointing them out in a jokingly manner...Cause at least now I know about surgery and that this shouldn't affect my self-esteem.
But what i've never gotten over is when guys grab one of my nipples, or twist one of them.  There's one *uckhead in our group of friends that makes it a point to do this, even when i'm with a girl.  Just absolutely relentless with it.  So once about a year ago I snapped, and now I just do the same back, and pinch the nipple insanely hard.  Once he had a puffy nipple for about a week because of me.  I've been tempted to rip someone's nipple off when they twist it or grab it in social settings.


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That would have to be being bashed on here because, I accept my gynecomastia, and due to financial reasons my only option is to live with the condition.

Offline Dave_8

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hahaha same here mannyman742. when my friends touch my breasts by just feeling them or twisting them i do the same back but super hard as if im trying to rip it off. or i just slap the hell out of their nut sack.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline moobiedad

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In recent times I was hugely embarrassed.  There are multiple stories I could share, but this one comes to mind strongly. 

I am in the Military service, and I was at a school.  I was wearing my PTs, a tee shirt and shorts.  I like to pull out the tuck in my shirt so some chest pull is alleviated.  We were standing in formation, and one of the people from a much less politically correct (combat arms, I am in the medical branch) persons saw a woman who had a very male look.  He started a conversation with some fellow military students and eventually they looked at me (at least it seemed that way to me) and proclaimed, "I wonder if they allowed hermaphrodites in the military."  I was crushed by the statement and I could feel my breasts sticking out from there on out.  While I am trying to accept my chest, it is hard with people like this.  The comment may not have even been aimed at me at all, but I am always sensitive about such statements and will shy away from this type of situation.  Damn I wish I was flat.

Offline mthatch1

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I second the nipple story Manny -- one issue I have with the nipples though is that when they grab, they usually think that my nipple is higher on my chest than where it actually is because my chest sags a little due to the gyne.  I am always so worried when they do this.  It makes me feel like I have been "found out." 

I have also felt pretty embarrassed lately wearing my compression garment which is shaped just like a tanktop but very tight.  I have such touch friends who are always hugging and massaging. Two of my friends have said to me "what is that you are wearing underneath your tshirt?"  AGHHHHHH!!!  I just say a tank top but it still seems to confuse them!  I live in a really hot state -- TX so I usually say it is because I sweat a lot out here...  good excuse, right?  I say it as my body temp rises in humiliation....

Offline b00bz

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I had a pretty humiliating experience not too long ago when I was at a comedy show in NYC.  It was a very intimate event and I was sitting in the front row.  The performer was on the same level as us and could approach us pretty easily. 

Someones cell phone went off and the comedian wanted to know whose it was.  I didn't even have a phone with me at the time but for some reason she thought it was me so she had me stand up so she could frisk me. 

After she thoroughly examined me.  She said, "well, he doesn't have a cell phone...but hes got t*ts!"

haha, right? 

Holy crap, I don't know how I'd take this, but that has to be like the most insensitive comedian ever.  I'd wait till she was finished and hunt that bitch down.

Anyway, reading this, I've realised that although I feel my life is ruined by Gyne I'm kinda lucky to not have any ridiculously embarassing stories about it.  For me, it's just the hassle of having to wear particular clothes over and over because they cover it up, and wishing I could wear what I want.  It's like a permanent weight over your shoulders.  Friends have never really insulted me over it extensively, because when they do I just pretend like I don't care.  Although once my mums best friends husband, on a night out, told me I had boobs and it stung because I was wearing one of my shirts that I thought hid it the best.  I was like WTF NOOOOOO.  I need to get rid of this!!

Also, I'm not too worried about taking my shirt off because if i pinch my nipples they become normal for a while so it can be covered.  I've become less keen on sex though because I can't keep pinching them and I don't want girls seeing my boobies.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 12:33:14 PM by b00bz »

Offline hyperballad

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I don't really have great stories. The worst memory is thinking about how I used to have gyne.
nah but twice in class 2 diff girls (my friends) on diff occasions told me it looks like a have a boob. I just said its my shirt from the way im sitting and I pull on it to loosen it. That made me want to hide even more so no one really ever bugged me about it.

Today I was totally embarrassed though. I decided to go to a new dentist and I went to the one my mom goes to. We both had appointments today with the same lady. My mom goes first while I wait. Once its my turn I go in and sit down and the first thing out of the ladies mouth after hello is asking how I feel and how my surgery was afterwards. I was totally caught off guard and said I'm fine and was silent so she changed the subject. Apparently it was my mom telling them I don't want x-rays cause i had surgery, not sure how the even relates but thats is a lame excuse....its easy enough to just say no. So I was pissed and asked my mom why she's telling people about it and her answer was that I (me) like to tell people. Since when? Why can't I start at a new place as a normal person? -.-

Offline helloHELLO

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Today I was totally embarrassed though. I decided to go to a new dentist and I went to the one my mom goes to. We both had appointments today with the same lady. My mom goes first while I wait. Once its my turn I go in and sit down and the first thing out of the ladies mouth after hello is asking how I feel and how my surgery was afterwards. I was totally caught off guard and said I'm fine and was silent so she changed the subject. Apparently it was my mom telling them I don't want x-rays cause i had surgery, not sure how the even relates but thats is a lame excuse....its easy enough to just say no. So I was pissed and asked my mom why she's telling people about it and her answer was that I (me) like to tell people. Since when? Why can't I start at a new place as a normal person? -.-

sounds JUST like my mom hahaha

Offline Alfa

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After she thoroughly examined me.  She said, "well, he doesn't have a cell phone...but hes got t*ts!"

haha, right? 
Now that's brutal!

If something like that ever happens to you again try looking her in the eye and tell her:

"Haha, well you're right - I got breasts. And you know, I also got a small penis."

Pause and look at her from top to toe... "so, how about you sweetheart?"

If you can be cool about supposed weaknesses like that and then offer to turn the tables, it's going to scare the sh*t out of people like that.

Offline outertrial

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Never sit at the front in a comedy gig. Ever.


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Wow it's my first time posting. i cant believe i actually found other men with the same problem!

1)When i was in high school a couple years ago (now 19).
when i was around 13 i was always being called banana breasts all the time and some guys would always pinch my nipples to make it worst! But i easily overcame that because my brother and sister had such a huge popularity level in my city that everybody realized who i was and stopped teasing me.

2)Having G was so horrible because i was one of the most popular kids around my city and in my high school when i was 16 and i was told that i was very cute by so many girls. Me and my friends where what they call the cool kids and all of my friends had girlfriends or had already been with alot girls except for me. When i was asked why i never had a girlfriend i never really had an answer but i knew deep down it was because of my boobs. Because i never had an answer i was being called gay by so many peolple who i thought were close to me.I could never take my shirt off infront of any girl because i felt so embarassed about my apperance. i always had a care free attitude and was always smilling and laughing everyday but no one could ever guess how sad i really was even til this day. I actually tought about suicide many times but realized i would just hurt the people around me who actually care for me since they dont even know what im going through!

3)Now that im older it's even worse on the psychological level because i think about it constantly and i have become an outcast to others in my family who find me rude and unsociable.
My brother is a producer and singer and he is currently trying to make a name for himself among established artist in the industrie and many time i am asked why i dont join him or go out to these events with him and the sad reality is i dont want to tarnish his chances of making it big with me being around and acting all awkwards towards everyone not dressing all stylish and avoiding taking pictures that will haunt my carrer for ever.Ive only met one celebrity so far and that was Lady GAGA and because i was so uneasy i did not stay to enjoy the party.I really care for my brother and sister so i've always put them as important and i toss my own needs away to the side to see them happy and make it big!

4)But in the end the most embarrasing memory is not really embarassing but it broke my heart because the one girl i really loved actually loved me back so i thought and i was never able to be comfortable around her and therefore she opted to date one of my best friends. Having G cost me the love of my life and self-estime. I still see that girl i used to love around the city sometimes with her new boyfriends and it really messes with my mind of what could of been!

Sorry for the long post i just really had to get this off my chest (no pun intended)
Now that i know about surgery all thats left is having the surgery done but no one around me knows what im going through so it is really hard trying to this alone! My parents are very old school and they just cant understand what im going through. Hopefully after my surgery i can start leading a normal life and pursue my dreams in the entertainement industrie like my brother and sister and finally know the felling to love someone who actually loves me back in the same way.

Damn that was long but i feel alot better now!
« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 11:58:40 AM by PAINFULLYOUTH »

Offline headheldhigh01

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But in the end the most embarrasing memory is not really embarassing but it broke my heart because the one girl i really loved actually loved me back so i thought and i was never able to be comfortable around her and therefore she opted to date one of my best friends. Having G cost me the love of my life and self-estime.
welcome to the club of the truly saddened.  glad you at least found the site. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline outkast

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sad story painfullyouth...i totally feel your pain..


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