Author Topic: Too Much Gland left  (Read 12111 times)


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is it possible that 3 months post-op scar tissue starts developing``?

A scar is the natural healing mechanism of the body and starts evolving shortly after the injury.  The trick is how to minimize scars so the look good on animation.  Prevention is extremely important.  Healing after gynecomastia surgery and the eventual scars depends on the injury created during surgery.  Less trauma, less bruising, less swelling can all factor into better scars. 

Check out typical bruising and swelling after gynecomastia surgery for my patients.   After gynecomastia surgery compression garments and scar care after surgery are also critical factors.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Chest Surgery


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how could i feel the difference between left gland and scar tissue.
my "thing", now about 3 months post op is like a circle,direct unter the areola and its hard as rock.


  • Guest
how could i feel the difference between left gland and scar tissue.
my "thing", now about 3 months post op is like a circle,direct unter the areola and its hard as rock.

Residual gland can feel just like scar tissue.  Typically both are the issue for a remaining deformity and are found under the areola.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery


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how could i feel the difference between left gland and scar tissue.
my "thing", now about 3 months post op is like a circle,direct unter the areola and its hard as rock.

Residual gland can feel just like scar tissue.  Typically both are the issue for a remaining deformity and are found under the areola.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery
but redidual gland will stay, scar tissue will go away after time,rright?

Offline user87

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how could i feel the difference between left gland and scar tissue.
my "thing", now about 3 months post op is like a circle,direct unter the areola and its hard as rock.

Residual gland can feel just like scar tissue.  Typically both are the issue for a remaining deformity and are found under the areola.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery
but redidual gland will stay, scar tissue will go away after time,rright?


Offline user87

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if you had revision surgery, does swelling last longer than the first time? (when both surgerys were made by the same doc)


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if you had revision surgery, does swelling last longer than the first time? (when both surgerys were made by the same doc)

How tissues evolve after revision gynecomastia surgery depend on the problem to be treated, what needs to be done, skill of the surgeon, after surgery care, After Gynecomastia surgery compression garmentsand many other factors.  It is rare I need to revise my own patients, but going through scar tissue can cause more swelling than tissue that has never been injured before.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery

Offline user87

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thx, one last question:
if you cut out a good amount of scar tissue. is it possible that the same amount will develop after surgery again??


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