Author Topic: DO i have gyco, please help  (Read 2975 times)

Offline mitch

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Im 17 years old and ive been working out for about 5 months arms, legs, even my abs have large definition yet doesnt seem to work on my chest? I do alot of bench press and chest workouts yet i have lost alot of weight everywhere except on my chest. I looked up definition of gyco and although i have puffy nipples ive had these nipples since before puberty and it looks like i have alot of the symptons, for instance the top part of my chest is rock solid yet there is alot of fat around the nipple.......if i do have gyco how do i go about getting it fixed?i live in sydney by the way so any aussies with the problem would help, do i need a referral from my gp to go and visit a lyposuctionist or something??
And a little off the subject im going to Bali in late novemeber so i was wondering if i got surgery would it be fixed so i can actually take my shirt off at the beach.....
You cant see with this picture my i have very tight abs and great definition on my shoulders/back...people think im going anorxic because of how much i run and the fact that you can see my shoulder bones...all this time i thought it was fat but it could be this gyco...

Offline headheldhigh01

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these q's normally go in the user photos section, but based on the photo, yes, about a 3/10, which is bad enough.  gyne that's been around for more than a year or two can only be fixed with an op.  make sure you get an experienced plastic/cosmetic surgeon who's done a lot of these, not just some general surgeon who'll carve you up anywhere and leave you irregular and uneven, there are specific techniques for this.  i assume oz has some form of board certification for ps's.  if you check out the find a surgeon in your area part of the boards or use the site search engine you should find good past discussions on people probably in different states. 

you also don't want to do just lipo if the gland tissue component is dense enough to leave a lot behind, but an experienced ps would know enough to keep the excision option seriously open, and i would bet in your case he should. 

when in november?  talk it over with your ps, but you'd probably want 3-4 weeks recovery to be safe, you don't want to screw it up a fix meant for the rest of your life for the sake of just one trip. 

sorry for the bad news, welcome to the club, at least it can be fixed. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Bman41

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What does '3/10' mean?  I am new here.... 

...., about a 3/10, which is bad enough. ...

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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    • Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
A 3 in degree of severity, on a scale of 1 to 10.
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline mitch

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Whats the risk with scarring from surgery??i dont know if Aussie plastic surgeons are to credible

Offline headheldhigh01

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if done rightly, minimal.  if a ps were doing lipo he'd probably go in from a small cut at the side under a shoulder, or do a semicircular cut on the edge of the areola at the front, which you probably wouldn't notice after a year or so. 

did you do any site searching on oz ps's and board cert yet?  your criteria are basically whether the guy's done lots of ops with reasonable before/after pics to show for it.  it's ironic, sometimes people go overseas if they don't think they can afford it here, but sometimes people come here if they want an extra margin of confidence in the job.  which is fine, though in your case that would involve more travel than if you were in the yukon or something.  is the A$ kicking the US$ the way everything else is?  ;) 
« Last Edit: October 21, 2008, 12:34:00 AM by headheldhigh01 »

Offline mitch

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$A is all would be happy to learn that i am getting a consultation on november 6....3 years of embarrasment and 6 months of working out to just have it sucked out in 1 day....

Offline Paa_Paw

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The chest in general and breast area in particular is a normal place for fatty deposits. Sometimes they will persist even when weight is lost to an unhealthy degree. Glandular tissue would not be affected to any significant degree no matter how much weight you lost.

This leaves surgery as the only real way to get rid of Gynecomastia.

While this may not be what you wanted to hear, at least it is honest.

There are a number of things marketed to get rid of Gynecomastia. They range from exercise gizmos to herbal remedies and outright snake oil. None of them will reduce anything but your wallet.
Grandpa Dan


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