Author Topic: 19 y.o. 165cm 55kg  (Read 10670 times)

Offline booboy

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Hey guys just seem to have stumbled across this site searching manboobs on google LOL!

Well im a pretty small guy in terms of size and have never been overweight or really fat and have just been pretty much skinny all my life and ive still managed to develop gynecomastia!

Anyeways these are my pics:

Uni for me starts next year and at the moment i have a 4month break in between i think itll be great for me to undego this life-changing procedure before hand?

What do you guys think?

Also assessing my age and the photo ive provided can you guys please give me some idea of what results i can expect?

I have ONE MAJOR concern, after the procedure are there chances that my GYno will come back!?

Thanks and lovn this site! :P

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Looks like pretty classic gynecomastia.  You should do well with surgery, and you'll probably need both liposuction and direct tissue excision, IMO.

Dr. Pope, M.D.
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline booboy

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Thanks for the quick reply doc!, Im located in Australia and i went to see my family GP about the issue he didnt once mention gynecomastia as being the root cause of my problem but told me to wait as he predicted it would disappear as i got older.
However i highly doubt it will go away without surgery my dad also has the same problem and i was wondering if this could be a genetic thing aswell. Alot indian guys that i've met and known have suffered from the same problem!

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Sure, genetics can play a role.  Did your dad every have his gyne corrected?  Hopefully he'll be supportive to you.  There's a lot of really useful info on this site, and you'll learn quite a lot from the guys who have struggled for years with gynecomastia and have overcome it with surgery.

Glad you found the site, and good luck to you, mate! G'day!  ;)

Dr. Pope, M.D.

Offline booboy

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Well no he hasn't and he hasn't really been open about the issue to me so he may not even perceive to being a problem. I have spoken to him about my problem and he does seem supportive however i havent discussed the possibility of surgery with him yet!

I do understand that doctors are highly qualified professionals but when selecting a surgeon is their any price/quality interaction?
Im thinking of having my surgery done here in Australia rather than overseas trying to save money! To find a surgeon should I ask my GP and how can I make sure i've chosen a highly skilled surgeon who will help me achieve the best results possible?

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Ask your GP for a recommendation.  Be sure that you are referred to a board certified plastic surgeon.  Once you get a name from him, call the plastic surgeon's office and ask if gynecomastia surgery is something that he or she does fairly frequently.  If not, they may be able to refer you to someone else.  I'm sure there are plenty of qualified plastic surgeons in Sydney.

Dr. Pope, M.D.

Offline booboy

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I spoke to my parents openly yesterday about surgery and how its basically the only way to 'fix' my problem. My dad was slightly more open than my mother who tried "comforting" me with comments such as " so and so have the same problem in the family and he's not bothered about it", and "its natural". So my mum really needs convincing as she doesn't like the sound of surgery and the idea of me going under the knife also its kind of a moral thing in her perspective as she started mentioning people like Michael Jackson and his thing for plastic surgery LMFAO! so I am feeling slightly shaken on my decision of having the surgery done and at the moment feel confused. My dad has booked me in for an appointment with my family GP for a consultation, at the moment im giving my final year school exams, so i've been booked in to see him afterwards on the 7th of November.

So yeh is it morally wrong to have surgery done to change appearances especially from a religious point of view?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2008, 12:10:53 AM by booboy »

Offline LLTrain

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I struggled with that same question myself booboy, and here's the conclusion I came to:

I realize that in the Christian (my own) religion, our bodies are seen as the vessels of God. Essentially, we're supposed to treat our bodies well as far as nutrition goes, but also indicating that we're not supposed to hurt ourselves or put anything into our bodies that said God wouldn't be too happy about. However, due to our gynecomastia, our self image is hurt. In some cases, drastically. For me personally, every time I looked in the mirror with my shirt off, I was disgusted at what I saw. I didn't necessarily hate myself, but I did hate the way I looked. It was killing my self-confidence as well, overall making me mildly depressed 24/7. Then I asked myself, "Is this the way God would want us to live, hating the way we looked?" Obviously not. Even though we are raised, as religious people, that God made us in his own image, I think there is something else to be had about going through with the surgery. For me, it was getting closer to my parents, especially to my dad. Ever since I first opened up to him my concerns about my problem about 3 months ago, I feel like I can talk to him about absolutely everything now. It's helped me develop a stronger trust and respect for him, something God (as our 'Father') definitely wants for every son and father. Not only that, but after the surgery, our confidence levels should skyrocket. I know that my mom and brother have even told me that I appear to be a lot happier and carry myself in a different manner, and I haven't even HAD the surgery yet.

It's a delicate question that I once struggled with myself, but I don't see anything wrong with going through a minor surgery to help better our personalities and confidence. And, it'll make us happier, altogether.

Offline booboy

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Sorry for the exteremely later reply!

Really found some comfort in reading your comment LLtrain, thank you.

Well I missed my earlier appointment with the family Doc, however I was able to visit him today and discuss my 'issue'. He was really great listened to my story and was very enthusiastic about possible treatments!. He did mention that going under the knife would be my last resort and I should try medication used by breast cancer patients. Apparently and elderly man in his 60's showed significant improvment within 3-4 months in using the medication. So I guess i'll give it a shot before finalising surgery.

These were the following tests I had done:
-> Blood test, to check testosterone levels
-> Xray of both breasts!

And yeh!...

Has anyone had noticeable improvement through the use of any medications?

Offline Throy

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These were the following tests I had done:
-> Blood test, to check testosterone levels
-> Xray of both breasts!

Has anyone had noticeable improvement through the use of any medications?

dont tell me its Nolvadex  :-[
if i am i right
dont take it.. work out and get the fat burned naturally.. i kno friend who had an issue seems to be 100% like yours, and he got rid of it by diet and excersie, trust me ur case is not that bad
And yeh!...

« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 11:07:46 AM by Throy »

Offline haisook

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And yeh!...

Has anyone had noticeable improvement through the use of any medications?

I'm trying a 3-month course of Nolvadex [20 mg/day]. 22 days into it, and there are no visible effects. However, doctors advise taking Nolvadex for 3 months at least. This page [written by a doctor] helped me a lot.
I'm a medical student with gynecomastia. Yeah, medical professionals get it too.

Offline haisook

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His gyne is mild but it's still gyne. Mine is pretty similar, esp. from the front view. But I got puffiness as well.

Offline booboy

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Thanks for the reply's, much appreciated!

I only posted a front view but its alot more apparent that I have gynecomastia when looked at from side view. It is VERY obvious when I wear shirts which is never in public nowadays always opt to dress in layers.

I went and saw Dr JF (full name not posted, unsure if its appropriate or not) a doctor I was referred to by my GP. He's not a plastic surgeon but a breast surgeon :S, I told my GP about this and he thinks It shouldn't be of concern since I will only need gland removed and lipo wont be necessary.

Im booked in for operation on the 9th of July! The dates coming close but this issue with the doctor not being a PLASTIC surgeon is bugging me....

Offline thetodd

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Id say youd need lipo aswell, an excision wont be enough sureley

I got reffered to a breast surgeon aswell by my GP, and the guy was useless. And i would have had to have paid £3k for him. When i could have got a top notch plastic surgeon to do it for 4k (which i did). If i was your position id just be finding the best surgeon you can realistically afford and not go with your doc's opinion on this one.

Id say youve got a moderate case, i think some people on this forum think that you have to have C cups to have surgery for gyne!

Post the surgeons full name on here, and get some feedback
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!


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