Author Topic: my gyne looks worse with shirts on  (Read 7834 times)

Offline BringExtraDragons

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Yeah I look like shyte with most of the shirts i have. Since i'm not really overweight and fairly small, all my clothes seems to be fitting. Dark colors seem to be the best, mainly black shirts. I end up wearing sweaters and jackets a lot to mask it, even when it's effing 80+ degrees out. People are always like " you are freakin crazy!" and yes, I am for wearing a dam coat mid summer. It's amazing how much stress gynecomastia can put on the mind and the body over so many years...damn people we can take a lot. For me It's Consistent bad/forced slouching posture, constant stress on the body, I keep my arms uncomfortably crossed a lot, I look like crap because i force myself to wear larger shirts from the thrift store ( look like a bum ) and of course...all the mental elements of stress, we've all been into that.

One day my fellow victims of gyne,,, we shall wear a shirt and those two pointy hills will be nothing but flat groves, one day we shall walk with our spine properly erect, shoulders up too. And yeah, someday we finally get to wear some shirts we actually look good in, and about confidence booster.

Offline a-man

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wow... this thread is over 3 years old... brought back to life

Offline brama

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Mine looks hidden with a shirt on. In fact Im so self conscious over it that I have to wear a tight t-shirt and then a button down oversized shirt over that NO MATTER how hot is is out in order to disguise my "breasts".
I F'n hate it.

Offline AnyGuy

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Mine looks hidden with a shirt on. In fact Im so self conscious over it that I have to wear a tight t-shirt and then a button down oversized shirt over that NO MATTER how hot is is out in order to disguise my "breasts".
I F'n hate it.

I was thinking of doing this but I sweat too much that I'd feel so uncomfortable. I've found that a combination of cellotape and the right degree of slouching can help you achieve a muscular rather than manboobs look, although I only really do this if I'm to wear a T-shirt and think I may be doing some running; it's so embarrasing that I actually resort to this.


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