Author Topic: P90X DOES IT WORK??  (Read 23097 times)

Offline charlie1821

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P90X is definitely more about muscle development/tone.

Combined with a better diet, results are a lot better. Just eat less, and less crap.

Offline braveboy

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You can also buy it at " as seen on tv "stores located thought malls in the gta,i"ve also seen it at some drug stores for $120 .Make sure you commit your self to the program also use the nutrition guide that comes with it.Go to and you will get all the support you need just like this sight.

Offline postiey

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hi im just wandarin i read in lots of post that the only way to remove gyne is either surgically or hormonal. if this is true wouldn like a weight lifting drug help?
i know obviously people say that these cause the problem but most people on here wasnt caused by steroids etc. just wandaring if i they have helped anyone. could some one explain what do they mean alter with hormones is that the same? ps im not intendin to take steroids of to influence anyone, just want information thanks

Offline mrpower33

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That's a pretty controversial question, but let me try to give a reasonable answer.  It seems to me that theoretically, you should be able to cure any form of gyne chemically.  The best evidence for that is that a large percentage of boys have breast growth during puberty and it resolves itself after a few years.  That's why most pediatricians simply assure their patients that it will go away in a few years and typically it does.  So that means that there is a mechanism where the body is able to grow and destroy breast tissue by itself.  Apparently, however, this mechanism fails some of the time, which is why we're all on this forum. 

Here is how it works based on the material I have read.  During puberty, sometimes boys will have a hormonal imbalance whereby excess estrogen is being produced or is otherwise elevated in their bodies.  This will cause breast tissue to develop, we know this because this happens quite frequently with body builders taking certain kinds of steroids.  Breast tissue requires a certain amount of estrogen to grow and a certain amount to sustain itself.  We have seen with bodybuilders that if you temporarily deprive your body of estrogen, breast tissue can shrink through a process called apoptosis (cell death). 

The trick is manipulating your hormones in the correct way.  There are some steroids which will simply eliminate estrogen from your body, but when you stop taking the drug, you get a "rebound" effect, which can cause your estrogen levels to spike and can cause regrowth of breast tissue.  So you need to be careful because you can make things even worse. 

The other problem is that even men require a certain amount of estrogen for their bodies to function, and decreasing or eliminating estrogen from your body for extended periods of time can cause health problems.

That being said, there are lots of drugs out there (mainly breast cancer drugs) that have been proven in clinical studies to have some effect on gyne.  Most need prescriptions, but some you can obtain on the gray market.  There is much more evidence that they can work when the glands are still tender, probably in the first year or two on onset.  After that, there is much less evidence that you can reverse the process because the glands become fibrous and don't respond as well to chemical stimuli.  If you are interested, just google "aromatase inhibitor" and "gynecomastia" or check out, there is lots of information on this. 

The problem is that people are typically scared to take drugs without a doctor's supervision and there is not a lot of clinical research in general on gynecomastia, which is a real shame.  I really believe that if I could have gotten a prescription for Aromasin or Exemestane when I was 10 or 11 I wouldn't have had to go through all of this.   I say this because it actually makes a lot of sense when you think through the cause of this condition, most likely elevated estrogen levels.  Get rid of the estrogen in time, and in theory, the breasts should stop growing and go away.  It's just that doctors are so ignorant about this condition and for some reason there just aren't a lot of people out there doing research on this on a scale that would get people's attention.  Just my rant for the day. 

Offline shirtshy

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I've used p90x in the past and it is hard to keep the schedule.  Time wise and physically. I found the pull up exercises hard so needed assistance with chair.

My adaptation of the system was to do 30 minute sessions every day alternating a cardio (yoga, kenpo or plyometrics) with a muscle group every day for 6 days.  30 minutes makes it more realistic for starters, but still gives you a good sweat.

Tip: first half of yoga has way too many sun salutations, which makes it hard to complete the last part.  I start about 20 minutes in so I get the variety in.

Take time to learn the moves and technique.  Mental awareness is key while exercising.

I went from 235 to 195 in 5 months.  I'm now up to 212 and will start again once recovered. (currently 6 days post-op).

Also if you want to try something that transforms your body from the inside out I recommend 'HOT YOGA'.  If you live in the city most yoga places offer 1 week unlimited trials for around $20.  Worth checking out!

Also I've tried the biggest loser work out.  Great for motivation, builds just enough muscle to keep you burning through the day.  Don't neglect healthy multiportion diet + water!!
Surgeon: Dr. Fielding

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Offline lugnuts

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P90X works great IF you have your diet in check.

Offline pharmerjoe

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P90X works great IF you have your diet in check.
Exactly, so basically its resistance training while under calorie deficit - not exactly ground breaking. I believe most workouts will give you the desired effect you want, its actually sticking to it and eating healthy which will give you the results. Unless your looking at being a pro bodybuilder or something, then the workout really does need to be tailored and changed.

Offline Chilll

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i lost 10 pounds already and im only on week 3

Offline Paa_Paw

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A thread started over 3 years ago revived by a newbie.

Check the dates on the old threads before you revive them. It might be a better idea to start a new thread.

The old threads are here for reference. Not so they can be revived into eternity.
Grandpa Dan


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