Author Topic: Taking the plunge with Dr. Lista - anymore advice out there?  (Read 18471 times)

Offline dondante

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Don't feel up for typing, but just dropping a quick line to say surgery went well and I'm feeling pretty sore - but can't wait to take off my dressing tomorrow to see how things are shaping up. Will have more details in the days to come!

Offline dondante

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Checking in for another update, and feeling very happy that I went through with the surgery. I know it's very early - I'm only 1 day post-op - but the pain has subsided pretty dramatically in the past 12 hours to the point where I might make my 9 pm perc my last heavy duty painkiller and switch to tylenol extra strength as of tomorrow.

I took a shower today, and was extremely nervous to take off my vest and surgical dressing. I must say I was pretty overjoyed with what I saw - a dramatic difference and minimal to almost no bruising. I'm trying not to get carried away with my happiness, though. I've read far too many posts here of super happy people reporting within a day or two of their operations and then checking in days or weeks or months later with very extreme disappointment.

I'm going to try to post some post-op pics tomorrow - I'm also debating whether to start a new thread with my pre and post op pics in another section of this site so that it may be easier to access for people looking specifically for that. Any thoughts or suggestions on that out there?

Offline braveboy

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Hey congradulations and welcome to the other side.You will be alright stay positive and don"t panic the easy part is over,now post op is when all the hard work happens,but your not alone where all here for you.

Offline dondante

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Braveboy, those words couldn't have come at a better time. I'm 4 days post-op and experiencing some swelling, especially in my left breast where it's noticeably larger than it was post-op. I know it's normal, but it's still difficult to not freak out. I keep reminding myself that recovery takes time - but it was nice the way you put it - the real hard work begins now. You're absolutely right!

Offline Pacifico

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Hey I have the same issue it is normal!  Just don't be too active like heavy lifting and the like and time will take the swelling away!  My doc did not mention it, but my sister had a surgery and the doctor told her to take Arnica Montana, it is a homeopathic remedy and pills can be bought in any high end grocery store in the homeo section.  I am using it but not sure if it works, but it is supposed to reduce swelling.

Offline dondante

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Funny you should mention that, Dr. Lista actually gave me arnica montana and made me start taking it 2 days pre-op. I've continued using it, but I think if your chest has to swell, it's just gonna swell, no matter what you take.

Offline braveboy

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hey,your body has been through a lot of trama all the swallon is a normal part of healing,i know dr lista will monitor you closely with all the post of visits he has with you.Hang in

Offline dondante

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Offline dondante

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Just got back from my first followup - I was a disappointed that it wasn't with my ps but with his nurse - however, she did answer my questions quite confidently and hopefully knowledgeably.

My surgeon removed 500 ccs from my left side and 575 ccs from my right - but the nurse wasn't able to tell me how much of that was gland or fat. She saw my swelling and told me it was to be expected - she felt my chest and told me she can already feel the scar tissue forming. Apparently my swelling is the result of both fluid retention and scar tissue. She recommended that I use arnica gel and massage my chest gently for 5 minutes 3 times a day to help speed the healing process.

I asked if there was anything abnormal about the amount of swelling I have and she said no - that my chest looked typical for 1 week post-op. With proper care, she said most of Dr. Lista's patients see the swelling and scar tissue dissipate within 3 weeks to 3 months and that in between I will see variations in size as my body recovers.

I have another followup scheduled for February 4 - this time with Dr. Lista himself - which I guess is good because there will be more of a benefit of time to see how things are progressing for me. In the meantime, I'm trying to convince myself to stop being so OCD about this situation, relax, and settle into a longer timeframe frame of mind.

I'm off to apply some arnica gel...

Offline dondante

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Here's a pic from today, 8 days post-op, and the bruising is making its presence known  :) The swelling hasn't changed, still more pronounced on my left but not stressing about it as much as I was before because I know my body is going to take time to recover.

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Offline braveboy

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Hey,i"m surprised that the dr did not see you and that it was his nurse,he must of had some other issue to care of because he was there for all my visits.I"m wondering why your nipples look like they have scabs on them?But to look at your pics you can tell that you are very swallon and probaly have fluid in there,i:m sure when you touch or massage your chest you can probaly feel the fluid.But it is way to early to know the outcome be patient,i know easier said than done.Healing really sucks i had too go through it twice.

Offline dondante

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Braveboy, I keep referring back to your thread about your experience with Dr. Lista - and it's amazing how much my feelings at this point reflect what you were feeling at this point after your surgery. It's been a great inspiration and source of hope for me - thank you so much for documenting so thoroughly what you were going through...

My nipples do have scabs on them, and I forgot to ask the nurse about it. I don't know why they're there, but it looks like they will be gone soon. Nonetheless I am curious why they were there in the first place - they didn't bother me, but I am curious.

When I massage myself I do feel a little fluid (more on the left side), but what I feel more prominently are these hard bumps, which the nurse said was scar tissue. I think you described your scar tissue as feeling like hard bumps too, right?

I'm definitely feeling more patient and less anxious now, my chest still gets these pangs of pain, and it ranges from feeling numb to feeling sore and everything in between - so clearly my body is working away at getting its shit back together.

Thanks again for checking in, man, I really appreciate it.

Offline soillinois

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Thank you for sharing your experience.  It really helps me prepare for what I need to do.  I am actually going to be driving 3 1/2 hours away for my PS.  They told me instead of coming to the follow-ups that I could email them pictures and they would give me feedback.  This was just if I wanted not to have to drive the distance for the follow-ups.  I was wondering how many post opp visits you are expected to have?

Offline dondante

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Typically there's a one week, one month, three month and six month followup. But that will depend on your plastic surgeon, and how your recovery is going.


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