Author Topic: gyne everywhere..  (Read 3194 times)

Offline outkast

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i don't know about u guys...but when im at school or work i see so many guys with gyne...if i counted how many guys i see who physical look like they have gyne i would lose count..and imagine the guys who can actually hide it...wish people would talk about more so its not as embarrassing.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Your observations are entirely correct.

If you take into account the baby boys who have enlarged breasts at or subsequent to birth: Add in those boys that have transient Gynecomastia in early puberty; Make room for the fact that the condition is present in the majority of older men to some degree; finally include the young men here; Add them all up and you'll find that if anyone is abnormal it is the rare man who never had any breast enlargement at any time in their life.

Perhaps the time has come for us to start teasing people who are totally flat chested.

Actually, I'm too much a gentleman to actually tease anyone in such a way but the idea does have some merit.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Dave_8

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You are correct. But people now a days are to ignorant to understand.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline headheldhigh01

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based on my locker room experiences, we're still outnumbered.  and i still hope to sell out to the other side!   :D 

i admit i notice it more now too. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Dave_8

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Earlier today I saw some black guy who works at auto zone. I can tell he had gyne because when he was inside and no one was around him at that moment he stood straight up and I saw some signs of gyne. And when a customer cam by he slouched back down, even pretending top look for something inder his desk. I feel like shitt right now because I didn't tell him about this site. He probably knows, but at the same time he probably doesn't.

Offline outkast

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i would tell people about this site...and i would tell them about gyne if they had it...but im still to intimidated to tell them..embarrassed if i told them about gyne they would know i have it......but i see so many people who have it...i guess most guys dont care though in the end...wish i was like that...  :(

Offline Paa_Paw

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I am many years past the point when I was that self aware. It is simply not an issue for me any more.

I signed on here because I had grandsons at the threshold of puberty and gynecomastia seems to run (even gallop) in the family. I remember all too well how it bothered me when I was younger.

Even so, this was a place of learning for me. There was a time when I would not have considered puffy nipples a problem. I wished that mine were equally small many times. Slowly the light of discovery appeared, we are not dealing with a physical problem but an emotional and psychological problem. There is no ranking of suffering based upon size, contour, or content; The suffering is present or it is not.

Some people have obvious and large gynecomastia but seem to cope with it quite well, that is great for them. Others feel odd even freakish whether their breast size is significant or not.

The modern usage of the term "Gynecomastia" would seem to include any enlargement of the male breast. How much is fatty or glandular is not part of the definition nor is size.

If you have ANY enlargement, and it is causing you grief in any way, you belong here.  If you are happy with your condition, there is a place here for you as well.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I remember all too well how it bothered me when I was younger. I wished that mine were equally small many times. Slowly the light of discovery appeared, we are not dealing with a physical problem but an emotional and psychological problem. There is no ranking of suffering based upon size, contour, or content; The suffering is present or it is not.

Some people have obvious and large gynecomastia but seem to cope with it quite well, that is great for them. Others feel odd even freakish whether their breast size is significant or not.

The modern usage of the term "Gynecomastia" would seem to include any enlargement of the male breast. How much is fatty or glandular is not part of the definition nor is size.

If you have ANY enlargement, and it is causing you grief in any way, you belong here.  If you are happy with your condition, there is a place here for you as well.

Awesome post Dan....  like you mentioned, 'severity' in most cases is not an issue... either you have it (in whatever form/type) or you don't. If you do, then the psychological suffering is all the same!

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Offline headheldhigh01

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dave_8, i've reached the point where if i see a really severe case i'd seriously think about handing someone a slip of paper that just said "" and nothing else. 

Offline Aperture

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I definitely notice it a lot more, maybe because I'm more aware of the condition.

Offline Dave_8

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I was constantly debating with myself whether or not to go up to the guy and tell him. I'm 17 and the guy was 30 so I felt like if I did tell him he would've punched me in the face or something. But on the other hand I felt like telling him would actually relieve his problem of slouching when people walk by. I know where he works, there's more chances.

Offline Paa_Paw

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How would you like it if a stranger pointed out your condition? It may be best to remain silent and allow people to think you are a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Offline headheldhigh01

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I think its just that you along with many others have a steroetypical idea of what the perfect male body should look like & in fact just like women, very few guys have that!
Ive got 38B's (BMI is 24 before any "fatboy" comments!) & ive learned they are part of me so im happy to accept that.
 If I had only one arm or leg or was blind then Id start feeling sorry for myself!

i know perfectly not everyone has a "perfect" figure, though a lot more do these days, but that's different from having what some of us reject for ourselves.  if you can live with yours, great, seriously. but just because some guy has gyne, or an accident disfigurement, or a harelip, and they choose to do something about it for themselves, it doesn't make them vain either, you don't HAVE to accept everything short of amputation.  everyone gets to choose what they think is right for them.   

« Last Edit: December 16, 2008, 04:00:45 AM by headheldhigh01 »

Offline noobs101

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Well, I have to admit that I'm more aware of it now when I'm in public.

I sometimes can't help but comment in my mind that "oh, this guy has puffy nips like mines".. or "this guys really needs a concealing shirt"... I also sometimes have the urge to hand a note to some of them so they know that there is a choice and there is a solution.
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Special thanks to : Grandpa Bambu


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