Author Topic: how should I talk to my mom?  (Read 17389 times)

Offline cm18

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This is what I wrote in the letter. I'll give to her before I go to work later
I wrote it in spanish since its easier for her to understand, got google to translate
I write this because it is difficult for me to talk about how I feel and I've had a problem for long. I know I have always been a little big. Lost 50 pounds last year but my chest remains the same so I went to a doctor  2 weeks ago and told me I have gynecomastia, that I already knew and only way to correct this problem I have is with surgery which costs like $ 6000 and I want to have surgery because you do not know how much it affects me . Hopefully you can understand

Offline Jock

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Good letter, at least it will break the ice to talk after work.
Took the plunge and had consultation with Dr. Karidis 7th January 2009.
Surgery 26th February 2009.
Just wish I'd been able to do this years ago.

Offline Dave_8

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Pretty good letter. Very straight forward. Good luck with everything. Hopefully things should be alot smoother after she reads this.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline cm18

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Thanks for all the replies

I'm pretty nervous right now just thinking about giving her the letter

Offline cm18

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We talked but I dont think she understands

Offline wayne

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I really feel for you CM18, I waited until I was in my 40's before having the operation, It changed my life completely, just go tell her how you feel and how much the operation would mean to you.

Hope it all turns out well


Offline mezwell

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  • hey
i would have left out the 6000 bit,but good letter

Offline jett

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Congratulations on losing the weight.  How did you do it?

Offline cm18

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Congratulations on losing the weight.  How did you do it?
Eating right, doing cardio (walking, jogging) for about 20-30 minutes 3 times a week. Also at work I'm always walking for about 5-8+ hours. I do some weights

Offline biggieboobs

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hey cm18. i feel your pain! i actually had to ask my mother to pay for my surgury. i asked her last summer. i woke up one morning and i basically had a nervous breakdown. i thought i would never have the courage to tell my mother but that morning was crazzyy. i dont know what happened. i woke up, took a piss and looked at myself in the mirror and just broke down into tears. i just couldent take the mental pain of hidding my breasts that summer. i just stright up told my mom i cant live my life anymore hidding my chest from the society and from you. i was like have u noticed you have never seen me with my shirt off since i was 8 years old. i was like this surgury will change my life for the better. she actually said wow. i cant believe u waitied this long to tell me. she was actually mad at me. but she agreed to pay for the surgury. thank god she is blessing me with this opportunity to get the surgury. i plan to get a job after my breasts are off  and pay her back some money. but dude you should be fine. get in and ask her for help. if she cant afford it just think postive and start saving up. 6,000 can be saved within a year. hope all works out for u my fellow gyno partner!    :)

Offline cm18

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I wish my mom was like that. We talked & she thinks it can be fixed without surgery with natural medicine  & if you seen my pics I don't think it is.

I've been close to a nervous breakdown lately I wake up not wanting to go to work because of my gyne

Offline biggieboobs

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i need to get a camera so i can get some pics of my gyno on here.  mines is bigger than yours. but i will for agree that surgury is your best bet. i am sure with the right ps you will have some nice results. make sure they take that gland outta there. i feel your pain man.. we go no choice to keep our heads up. there is gonna be light at the end of this dark ass tunnel we trooping it thru!! lol. 

Offline cm18

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I dont know what to do
Should I lose another 15 lbs to see if my chest might get better or get surgery

Offline charlie1821

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Just tell her straight up.

I put off telling my parents for years, and when I finally had the balls to do it (in large part thanks to my ex-gf pushing me) they were shocked that I didn't tell them earlier.

She's your mother, she cares for you, just tell her.


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