Author Topic: I just found out  (Read 8836 times)

Offline worried4him

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I dont really now where to start, I guess I just need to vent a bit because I am so worried.

I just found out about this condition and this site late on saturday night. I have been dating my bf for just about two years now.  This past easter he told me that he has some secret that he wants to tell me, but he needed time to get the courage because it is something that he has never told anyone. Not even his family. I have been patient and waited for him to be ready and when he told me on saturday, i was a little taken off guard. After he told me he told me that I can leave him now because I will just think of him as a freak and he doesnt want my sympathy. I tried to tell him that I could never think of him that way. I have never really noticed anything different about him. He is a big guy, i found out that he had put on the weight to try to hide it. He broke my heart when he was telling me about this, up until about a year ago, he thought that he was alone, he has thought of himself as a freak since he was 12 years old. I realized that the man that i love has just about no self esteem.  I have noticed that in the past 14 months or so that he has been drinking more frequently and this has escalated alot in the past three months. Now he goes on 3-5 day binges. He says that is because that is the only way that he can stop thinking about it. On saturday after he told me he left my house at 3am to go home because he didnt want to have to talk about it in the morning. He was shocked that he had told me. Since then, I talked to him by text briefly on sunday and now he is totally avoiding me and I am so worried about him. I told him that I just want to help him and be there for him and try to get his life back. He has suffered alone for so long, it breaks my heart that he still is. I am just worried that he is going to go on another binge and seriously hurt himself.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You have to get through to him that you don't think less of him.... He needs you desperately right now!!!

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline worried4him

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I am trying so hard, but he is just pushing me further away and I dont know what to do. :'(
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Offline Aperture

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Have you told him about this site?

Offline mezwell

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  • hey
you sound very caring i hope it all works out ,he will feal hes played his land hand.there will be some on here going through this
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 08:57:52 AM by mezwell »

Offline Dave_8

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Give him the url of this post. Also tell him to check this site out.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline worried4him

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He knows about this site, he is the one that told me about it. He is going through spurts where he pushes me away and then is closer than ever. I guess I just have to be patient and wait for him. It is hard tho. I just want to snap my fingers and make him feel better. Thank you to everyone for giving me advice and having such a great site.

Offline Spleen

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There might be more going on there than just man boobs.  Try to help him, but know that he has to commit to helping himself.


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