Author Topic: karidis  (Read 4397 times)

Offline 1966

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has anyone had surgery of Dr. Karidis. preferably not a lipo one just a cut open pull out gland because i am moreless positive thats what i need as i have no fat just a solid lump.

i just need to no a few things like how long it would take to see him for an appointment from the first phonecall? then how long for surgery if he accepts me? how much it wil cost of course?
i have looked at the website but its all this fancy stuff i just need to no the simple bits.

if anyone could help it would be appreciated.

Offline Jock

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I phoned on the 31st and got an appt for the 7th Jan, they also offered 9th then it jumped to the end of the month.

They said op would be about 5 weeks later if I proceed, and cost was £4100.
Took the plunge and had consultation with Dr. Karidis 7th January 2009.
Surgery 26th February 2009.
Just wish I'd been able to do this years ago.

Offline Albion71

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Hi 1966.

Karidis tends to use a combination of lipo and excision, as far as I'm aware. But if you think you only need excision, then ask him his opinion.

He operated on me in June, and to be honest, I wish he'd only done excision as I think he's done way too much lipo on my left side - there is an indent and the nipple has a fold in it. Looks totally different to the right side.

You could also try speaking to Hamed, based at London Bridge, who does excision only, and is half the price of Karidis.

Offline 1966

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thanks for the replies both very helpful. just going to add. . . £4000 lol having a laugh ain he!!!

Offline Aperture

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That's the going rate in England i'm afraid.

Offline mezwell

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  • hey
the price is a one off ,its put me off many times ,but im going to have to pay it ,i just hope nothing crops up for up where ill need to get my hands on a thousand quid for a while ,it doesnt half take some planning .

Offline crazygyne

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I have to be honest it is a lot of money considering the actual operating time for me was about 45 Min's. But it was one of those things i had to get done. Once you pay for it and have the surgery it is a massive relief. I would recommend Karidis he did a great job. The funny thing is it took me so much courage to go ahead with it the surgery but now looking back the hardest part was getting my hands on the £4,000. Once all is said and dome it will be worth it mate,

Good luck.

Offline Jock

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£1440 of that is hospital costs, room for the day, normally about 8 staff in the theatre, nurses etc. I agree it is a lot, but sounds as though it is worth every penny. A week on thursday I'll find out. I also have other costs, x-ray £84 blood test £99 ECG £125, no point in moaning about it, if I achieve the result I want then I'll be on cloud nine for the rest of life ;D


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