Author Topic: Are my puffy nipples bad  (Read 5492 times)

Offline mike227

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I have had them sense i was 13 now 17 and going to join the Army next year and want to get surgery because i hate how they look. I have not been swimming in 4 years or to the beach and hate taking off my shirt. How much would it cost to get surgery in Ohio

Offline conspiracyofone

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I got a similar case as yours. Mine are puffy though with nothing hard underneath the nipples. Just poofy. Is there hard gland under yours?

Offline Jake

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Welp, your case is almost identical to how mine was.  A relatively normal looking chest with the nipple poking right out.  I believe they call it "tubular gynecomastia".  Nevertheless, I'll tell you what someone once told me on here when I asked the same question:  "All that matters is how it makes you feel."  If you don't like it, try to work with parents to get a plastic surgeon.  Heck, I've even heard of a few cases of guys in the army getting surgery covered BY the army.  But the sooner the better.

The cost of a surgery depends on the surgeon and his/her methods.  You need to do your research and find several plastic surgeons in Ohio and e-mail or call them asking for a price on their Male Breast Reduction surgery.  Some will give you a price if you ask.  But remember, if it's cheap don't dive for it immediately.  Make sure the PS has experience with the surgery and has the credentials to match (Board certification).

My surgery came to approx. $4000.  But like I said, it depends on who is doing the surgery.

Good luck to you, my friend.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 01:18:11 AM by Jake »
Age: 19
Had gynecomastia since age 12.
Surgery performed on July 18, 2008 by
Dr. Jeffrey Wagner in Indianapolis, IN.
(Excision and Liposuction)

"The heart moves on while the mind remembers."


  • Guest
I have had them sense i was 13 now 17 and going to join the Army next year and want to get surgery because i hate how they look. I have not been swimming in 4 years or to the beach and hate taking off my shirt. How much would it cost to get surgery in Ohio

Puffy Nipple Gynecomastia deformity comes in many different forms.  "How Bad" any particular issue is depends on the individual's perception.  A small subtle problem can be extremely stressful to a Bodybuilder with Gynecomastia.  And here is a much bigger deformity for Klinefelter's Syndrome Gynecomastia, yet he did not care about his chest shape.

Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery varies from doctor to doctor and around the world.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia Surgery


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