Author Topic: Does Your Girlfriend/Wife Like Your Gyne?  (Read 58773 times)

Offline Plarkin

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Just my belated two cents, from an old (53) guy, who still hasn't had the surgery but is considering it.

One of the reasons I didn't have the surgery (and I have a moderate case) is because it never stood in the way of getting women, Both my wives didn't care, and before and in between the wives, I "dated" more than 200 others. No, I'm not rich. I did have a GF when I was like 20 who said, that if it wasn't for my chest I would be a perfect physical specimin. Oddly, I took that as a complement. So, in other words, I never lacked confidence with women. At all. Women, at least until recently, just don't objectify that much and are more sensitive about making negative comments about physiques. I think I only her one other comment from a woman my whole life, and that was one of genuine surprise, not a joke or put down.

But with guys -- another story. Had some manageable high school and twenty-something teasing on occasion. But that's it. Until recently.
It seems that the public today, often strangers, now find it completely funny and not improper or rude to make fun of 'Moobs' in public, on TV, in movies, right in your face sometimes. It's sort of like bald guys 30 years ago. (But now bald, especially shaved, is accepted. Ironic.) Perhaps the younger generation of women do this know, too; I wouldn't know.

In the past six or seven years, I got to tell you, I have walked onto a beach a couple of times, in a club (won't say what kind) a couple of times or just had too tight a shirt on, and guys, strangers, have openly and witlessly mocked me. I could be missing an arm, an ear, have a "wine stain" birthmark all over my face and they wouldn't say a word. But man boobs? Suddenly, every one is Seinfield. It's amazing. Twenty or thirty years ago, no one would have said anything or looked the other way or snickered discreetly. But all this coverage in the media, much of it humorous, had put a bulls eye on guys with gyne. Because of this, for the first time in my long life I am considering the surgery. Maybe that's a good thing, but I am not sure.

(Another factor, to be honest, are the advances in surgery over the past 20-40 years. You wouldn't have considered surgery this 30-40 years ago; it was major with major scarring.

Offline Paa_Paw

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When we take into account the number of babies with enlarged breasts, those who have pubertal Gynecomastia, and the very large number who have it in their senior years---- The people who should be considered abnormal are the ones who are perpetually flat chested.

In my twenties (about 50 years ago) I dated a young lady who had smaller breasts than mine. It was not a big deal then and it is not a big deal now that I am nearing the age of 72.

I agree with Plarkin that many people are totally lacking in tact these days and often say rather crude things when it would have been more intelligent for them to remain silent. Recognize them for the idiots they are and try to not be offended. If you do not make a good victim, they will pick on someone else.
Grandpa Dan

Offline niceones

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Mine loves my gyne....  Loves to fondle, kiss and suck my big male breasts.

Offline BadCaseGyno

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Women generally aren't as superficial as men and don't care a whole lot about your body. Unless you're in high school. Like me. FML


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Trust me it is the guy with the Gynecomastia that is bothered by it most all other humans could careless!


Offline Curiousone89

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I agree with what the above poster said.

It's just you thinking about what other people say. Although gyne is like a big issue, people don't just find that as a target, I've been with friends that made fun of many things, not just gyne. I mean, at least gyne is fixable. What if you were really short? What if you're paralyzed from the waist down? I'm not saying that wasn't the case with my friend's making fun of it but gyne is more of a "multiple target thing" as opposed to "OMG BOOBIES"

In fact some girls find it degrading now. I remember once on my high school biology field trip to the beach, some guy in my class stuffed his fists into his shirt and pushed them outward (mimicing boobs) to tease some other student in my class with a severe case of gyne.

Ironically all the girls in the class were like "darn you, that isn't funny, don't be so fucking immature." I was quite surprised and laughed for a bit.

Ironically though I only had ONE girl comment about my moobs, only one and that was it. She was ugly though so it doesn't count :P

Offline Bobcat54

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I wrote about this sometime ago but will say it again.
I didn't like the price or the procedure of having mine removed. The Dr. suggested a bra and it was my SO that measured me and bought my first bra.
She actually enjoyed playing with my breasts.

Offline pescado

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when my girlfriend wants sex she grabs a nipple and pulls me to her and squeezes until I get hard and continues to squeeze until I have performed -and sometime bites both until they bleed --and they remain sore for days at least --just to let me know who's boss and not to forget as they are sore .My breasts are waxed by her beautitian while she watches and they make sure the other waxers see the results .Its good as then I can put band aids on so I don't leak blood thru my bra onto my shirts.

Offline Mauranius

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As I was reading this I thought it was going to say women are more attracted to whats between our legs haha.

LOL... same here dude!   ;D


As far as I know women are more attracted to what's in your wallet.....

OT: My Ex-girlfriend never mentioned it to me, I have no clue whether she liked it or not. But if there's girls that like Gyne I'd love to meet them and show my condition to it's fullest ;)

Offline postiey

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i have seen this post awhile back and always thought that all women hate gyne! and would be put off. i have a small gland type,but some girl commented on my body the other day saying i had a great body and it really shocked me as she was hot. im prob still goin to have the surgery but not for women just for me to feel better. but its nice to know that women dont seem that botherd about it. bothers us more i think

Offline johnny125

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 I don't have really big breasts, but big enough to notice when I take off my shirt. They are more than an A, but less than a B, and I have puffy nipples. But I never got a negative reaction from a past lover or my current wife about them. I would say the opposite. Every woman I have been intimate with has made them a part of love making without me asking. Women know that breasts are an erogenous zone.
As other men have stated, I find that women who love me don't really care about the size of my breasts. 

Offline fluffy_tits

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Don't have a gf but some of the chicks i beeen with loved suckin on em...don't kno why though.  I just looked at it as, (I have them so why not lol)
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline jsboob

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my wife loves mine although thats 'cos she loves all of me!
 They certainly dont interfere with our love life, if anything they enhance it!

Offline decimal

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my ex gf would always question me why I never took my vest off during sex...i would tell her tht i felt cold or tht i was just being spontaneous nd it didnt occur to me to take it off in the heat of the moment....i would always have a black wife-beater on, which actually made my chest look quite good nd muscular. She would say tht she loved my chest nd would really love it if I made love to her bare-chested. One day I finally summoned the courage to oblige her wishes, but as soon as I took my vest off and got on top of her, her eyes shot up at the two lobes hanging down from my chest, and she innocently asked why was my chest like tht.(I was her first boyfriend). Trying to seem as unruffled as possible, I just told her that it was remnant fat from my fatty teenage years tht I needed to burn off, and then laughed it off.

Ever since, she would still wanna take my shirt off while sleeping together, but I would always have it in the back of my mind that my hanging lobes werent exactly a turn-on for her. She also sort of sensed it that I wasnt very comfortable with the shape of my chest. So it was kind of a lose-lose situation for the both of us. She would insist that I go to the gym more often, and ask me every now and then why I didnt want to take my shirt off at every opportunity like the rest of the guys.

Truth was that I DID want to take my shirt of like every other guy, and did try to burn off this stubborn fat but it just wouldnt go and frustrate me till no end. And now a whole 2 yrs later, and a month ago from today, I learn about gynecomastia and realize that it was actual real live BREAST tissue fucking up my life for soo long!! GAWWDDD!! I HATE GYNECOMASTIA!!! >:(

Overall, I do not think that my girlfriend liked me lesser coz of my gynecomastia, but it certainly put a slight damper on our sex life.

Offline kevo

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I am very lucky as my wife is very supportive in all aspects of my life and likes them and plays with my breasts more than i do hers in love making and thats a lot even in the morning hepls me fasten my bra up thanks Kevo


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