Author Topic: FINALLY!  (Read 2308 times)

Offline thorne

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Finally ha my letter from the NHS on saturay. I get to see the consultant at the end of Feb which is great for me! Im finally on the road to sorting this out! Can you guys help me with something! I really need to milk this to get him to send me to see a plastic surgeon so I can get the op! We all know what its like, wearing jumpers/jackets in summer, not being able to go in the pool, the beach being a bitch because we cant take out tops off, how can I get this guy to feel sorry for me?!

Offline koopa

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hey buddy

if i was trying to get the healthcare to cover it i would tell the doctor that the lumps were causing me actual physical pain and discomfort and thus limited my movement and quality of life. I think this is the only way they would agree to operate without charging you as cosmetic surgery. Personally though i would never recommend lying to the doctor because they will operate on you accordingly and if the results are not what you expected then you cant really fault them. Good luck either way

Offline enuff

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Apart from the obvious psychological effects and general shite quality of life you have when living with gyne, which to be honest should be enough....... ;) How about you hunch your shoulders subconsciously to disguise it - Giving you a bad back which will of course become worse the older you get placing further burden on the NHS.

That's all I got. He either understands the problem or you're seeing the wrong surgeon and you're probably better off going else where  :)
Dr K got rid of my gyne Jan 2009. Thank f@ck for that!
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