Author Topic: Has anyone had this surgery Short Scar Internal Male Mastopexy Breast Reduction  (Read 5315 times)

Offline badcase

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  I was looking on Dr. Bermants website trying to find others with a Gyne problem like mine and what they did to solve it. My skin is sagging quite abit from age (50) and being over weight (I am losing). I also have a huge amount of gland and it is definitely true Gynecomastia with juvenile onset. My question is has anybody on these boards had this procedure ?  Short Scar Internal Male Mastopexy Breast Reduction / Lift. Please tell me of your experience. Dr. Bermant if you see this post it looks like after the band of fat and gland are removed you pull the two ends together and suture them. Are they also stitched to the chest wall to hold them in place?  Or is it just stitched fat to fat? and that lifts the chest.  Thank you


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  I was looking on Dr. Bermants website trying to find others with a Gyne problem like mine and what they did to solve it. My skin is sagging quite abit from age (50) and being over weight (I am losing). I also have a huge amount of gland and it is definitely true Gynecomastia with juvenile onset. My question is has anybody on these boards had this procedure ?  Short Scar Internal Male Mastopexy Breast Reduction / Lift. Please tell me of your experience. Dr. Bermant if you see this post it looks like after the band of fat and gland are removed you pull the two ends together and suture them. Are they also stitched to the chest wall to hold them in place?  Or is it just stitched fat to fat? and that lifts the chest.  Thank you
It is not fat to fat, the layer repaired is called the Superficial Fascia Suspension System.  It is a network of fibers that supports the skin.  Check out this Anatomy of Gynecomastia and you can see this network.

I rarely attach the Superficial Suspension Layer to the chest wall in my Male Mastopexy Internal Lift, as this can produce an unnatural result especially on movement.

Excess Skin of the Male Chest with Gynecomastia comes in various degrees.  Here are my Standard Pictures for Evaluating Extra Skin on the Male Chest.

For some patients, my Small Incision Skin Reduction Chest Lift is an option.  This eliminates the unnatural very obvious unnatural vertical scar.  For smaller problems, I have evolved my Internal Lift Male Mastopexy Surgery that has even smaller scars.  My internal lift is a compromise. By not removing the excess skin, the Internal Lift has its limitations to what problems it can satisfactory manage. 

Others may need excess skin under their arms and upper back addressed with an upper body lift.  However, the upper body lift scars that go around the back are a compromise factor that many seem to prefer avoiding since this is not as well hidden.

Yes, scars are a compromise.  We need some place to remove the excess skin.  The shorter the scars, the less skin that is removed.  Options are best explored during an evaluation.

When a patient does not want to deal with the scars, No Surgery Body Shaping Garments should be considered.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Male Mastopexy Chest Lift for Sagging Tissues

Offline badcase

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Thank you Dr. Bermant after reviewing the links in your reply. I think I would fall into a category somewhere between needing Small Incision Internal Male Mastopexy Breast Lift and or Skin reduction chest lift.  I think the skin reduction scars are something I would try to avoid if possible, but I wouldn't want to trade one bad situation for another. Do you have pictures of patients who opted for the short scar procedure but would have had better results with skin removal. Thank you again your website is a great source of information.


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Thank you Dr. Bermant after reviewing the links in your reply. I think I would fall into a category somewhere between needing Small Incision Internal Male Mastopexy Breast Lift and or Skin reduction chest lift.  I think the skin reduction scars are something I would try to avoid if possible, but I wouldn't want to trade one bad situation for another. Do you have pictures of patients who opted for the short scar procedure but would have had better results with skin removal. Thank you again your website is a great source of information.

Thank you for your kind words.

Yes I do, and perhaps someday I will find the time to post some examples.  The choice of surgery depends on how far the nipples sag below the pectoral muscles and the nature of the skin such as it elasticity.  An in office evaluation is best for marginal cases so I can examine the actual tissue, not just a series of photographs.  If interested, Jane is my office manager and can explain the process.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Male Mastopexy Chest Lift Sculpture


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