Author Topic: Can Androstat 100 cause gyne?  (Read 1904 times)

Offline flabbychest

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Hello everyone. I am 25 years old. In 1998 when I was in my senior year in high school I was taking a weight training class. Doing bench presses and pec decs were my favorite exercises.  I started noticing my chest getting bigger and bigger, some complimented, one stupid girl mentioned I have breasts. She could see it in my chest while doing pec decs. My friend quickly replied, "those are not breasts, thats his muscular chest".  After all these years, my chest looks flabby and I have very puffy nipples. My nipples are bigger than a quarter coin.  I haven't done any more bench presses because I have a feeling the muscle will push the fat tissue, or glan for that matter, more outward.

During that time I was taking Androstat 100 Pinnacle.  I did NOT finish the whole bottle. Out of the 60 tablets that came in the bottle I took 34. I took one tablet a day for about 4-5 weeks.  I see pictures here on the board and I see that my breasts look bigger than most. I once took off my t-shirt at the beach and my older brother laughed and said i have b*tch breasts.

If you check out the gallery site.

My breasts look in between Billy and Al (scroll down). Several months ago I went to see my urologist about my small balls. He told me they look fine. Then I told him about Androstat which contains androstendione. I told him I took it for about 1 month. He told me that for such a short period of time taking the drug wouldn't have caused gynecomastia. So guys, what do you think? Can Androstat cause gyne after taking it for 1 month?

I'm sorry I do not have a picture. I hope to post some pictures in the comming future.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2005, 01:50:02 PM by flabbychest »

Offline hypo

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Some urologists have a good understanding of the causes of gynecomastia and related hormone problems others do not.

I think you need to see an endocrinologist (endocrinologists specialize in hormones and gynecomastia is a hormone related issue) with an interest in reproductive endocrinology.

If you tell me where you live I will get you the details of an endocrinologist in your area.

Alternatively you can get the details yourself via; and there 'find an endocrinologist option' via the left hand menu.

Just make sure it is an endocrinologist that lists reproductive endocrinology as an interest.

By doing this you can have a proper investigation into why you have gynecomastia.  

If there is no obvious cause found you can decide what you wish to do about the issue.  

You can live with it, see if an endocrinologist will medicate to try and reduce/resolve it or have surgery to remove it.

If you are shown to have a hormone problem you can have that medicated and then consider your options.

I hope that helps



Offline aux513s

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Make sure whatever urologist you go to see is board certified.

Something I just found out a few days ago is that any physician can legally start practicing in a speciality without getting board certified. Why they allow people to do this I have no idea.

Offline hypo

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Given that urologists deal with...well urology.

It is better to see an endocrinologist who specializes in reproductive endocrinology.

If gynecomastia was caused by a problem with your testicles a good urologist would probably get to the bottom of it, but if it is caused by pituitary problems or  your genetics, liver, kidneys, thyroid etc- a whole host of other problems- then they are not really likely to be as helpful.

Offline flabbychest

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Ok, thanks for your help. I found an endo who specializes in reproductive endocrinology.  Getting back to my initial question, do you think Androstat can cause gyne after taking it for only 1 month?
« Last Edit: May 28, 2005, 06:06:56 PM by flabbychest »


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