Author Topic: Recurring gynecomastia - dr. Rajagopal vs Bermant vs Delgado  (Read 6400 times)

Offline cured1

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It’s been 1 ½ years since I last visited this forum and I’ve waited this long to post because I’ve had the total of 3 surgeries and was afraid that the great results of the last one (performed by Dr. Rajagopal in September ’07) were not going to last.
I’m today posting this message to, at least partially, repay the debt to the members of this board who helped me educate myself about the various aspects of gynecomastia and those who helped me chose the right doctor.
My gynecomastia was likely caused by my "adventure with steroids" in my early twenties.
I had the first surgery at 29 (lipo only). It didn’t fix the problem so I had another surgery two years later by the same doctor who the second time around removed some tissue. It looked better but I was not completely satisfied. I should mention that I've worked out religiously for the past 15 years and I am very fit with body fat percentage around 12% so my "puffy nipples" showed very easily.

Only after the second unsuccessful surgery  did I turn to this message board for reviews of different doctors before make my final decision for what I hoped was going to be my last surgery.
After extensive research, I’ve contacted Dr. Delgado, Dr. Bermant and Dr. Rajagopal. Here is a brief summary of my experience.

Dr. Delgado was very pleasant and sounded professional. The cost, however, was too high (around $8K).
Dr. Bermant’s price was more acceptable ($6K) but he came across like a typical example of the doctor who thinks he’s above his patients and he was more concerned with his “impeccable record” than helping me. After learning I’d had previous surgeries he demanded I undergo endocrinological testing to eliminate the possibility of some hormonal issues. Despite that the results came back negative he still decided not to perform the surgery. He didn’t even talk to me in person but had his office send me a refund of the consultation fee.
Then, I’ve read about Dr. Rajagopal. She was very nice during the remote consultation, and logically explained the potential cause of my repeated problem She actually admitted that early in her career she too tended to remove too little of the glandular tissue due to concerns of creating “craters.” The cost was $4500.
The results of the surgery looked good from the beginning and only got better with time. Last summer was amazing. The fact that I didn’t have to worry whether my nipples looked puffy made me work out in the gym harder then ever and six months after the surgery I was in the best shape of my life.
I realize that these are tough economic times so I wanted to post my story for people to know that they don’t have to spend $8K+ to get better and that there are more than one or two good doctors out there.

I have no incentive to recommend any specific surgeon but I feel that I owe people on this board so if this write-up can help someone in making his decision then I’ll have paid off part of my debt. The post is long overdue but I was concerned that my great results were not going to last

Good luck!


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