Author Topic: New to forum advice on my case (pics inside)  (Read 6646 times)

Offline Jstall

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Hi, everyone I will start off by saying that I am 17 years old and i have had gyne since about 11 or 12. It always bothered me alot, but I never let it get in my way to much. I always took my shirt off and went to the beach and such through out my childhood, but just recently its been bothering me (for the last year or two). About 6 months ago I weighed about 238 lbs and im 5'11. I decided to do something about it so i lost around 55lbs and as of today I am 183lbs. I feel a lot better about myself and I felt now was the best time to get surgery since im in the best shape i've been in a long time. I use to work out a lot especially bench press. I do have a very big upper body (im broad) which i think makes it a little worse. I believe I have puffy nipples and I did have one consultation and the Doc said it wasn't such a bad case and it would probably be easily corrected, this was last sumer and 55lbs ago. Anyways I live in south Florida and I was wondering if anyone could recommend any surgeons down here and please rate my pictures and express your opinions. Thanks Joey. (click pictures to enlarge)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 01:04:26 PM by Jstall »

Offline Jstall

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Offline Jake

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Congratulations on the weight loss Jstall.  That's quite an achievement!  It's good to know that you're leading a (hopefully) healthier lifestyle.

Your case is mild, which is pretty darn common around here.  I think your GP was correct in saying that surgery could be an easy fix.  Your obviously in shape, and the nipples have been puffy for enough years that it's probably stabilized.

I have some good news though.  If surgery is the route you eventually want to take, there is a good surgeon located in Florida:

Dr. Pope, M.D
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center

3872 Oakwater Circle
Orlando, FL 32806


I would advise you to at least wait until you're 18 to get surgery.  But it's your and your parent's call.  Do your parents know about this and how it affects you?  If not, you should tell them and make sure they understand.  Surgery can get expensive with good doctors, so your parents help may be needed.

Until then, I think you'll survive just fine.  You look great!

Good luck.

P.S. - Here are some other surgeons that are local and less known:

Dr. Garramone
Dr. Lovaas;u=13573  <-- Dr. Pope's profile if you want to send him a personal message.

I hope this helped and remember to take as much time as possible in choosing a surgeon.  You're making a change that will last a lifetime!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 04:41:15 PM by Jake »
Age: 19
Had gynecomastia since age 12.
Surgery performed on July 18, 2008 by
Dr. Jeffrey Wagner in Indianapolis, IN.
(Excision and Liposuction)

"The heart moves on while the mind remembers."

Offline Jstall

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Thank you for that great response. Yes I have talked to my parents about the situation and they support me. I know surgery can be costly, but it's not a major problem for us. I will take my time choosing my surgeon carefully and thank you for the recommendations I will check them out. Thank you very much.

Offline Jstall

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Yes, I did see his post although I think he did a little more then just workout, he went kind of extreme (he looks like a professional body builder) and I dont think I could go that far. I dont understand what you mean that I dont have gynecomastia? Doctors have always told me thats what it is and i do feel a mass under and around my nipple? Thanks for the response.

Offline Jake

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Just remember Jstall, both ends of the spectrum will be represented on this board.  There will be advocates of surgery and there will be advocates of not having surgery. 

Don't let anyone sway your opinion to any extreme.  Look at both sides of the argument thoroughly and make your opinion based on that.  SOME plastic surgeons can be shady, so exercise caution if you consult them.  I gave you the name of a professional surgeon that has no reputation of doing anything seedy or strange.

Good luck.

Offline Jstall

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Wow thank you for that detailed response, and thank you Jake for your comment as well it really got me thinking. Hey I would love to not go through surgery and im up for anything. The funny thing is you said run 3 days a week, well for me to lose my 55lbs I did run and I continue to run 3 miles 5 days a week. It has gotten me into the best shape of my life and I do feel and see my muscles toning. I suppose if I kept it going (been doing it for about 5 months) then it could make a impact on my gynecomastia in the long run. I just don't see how exercise and muscle building will make the actual nipple flatten out which is my problem. I don't have a problem with my actual pecks it's the nipples that stick out that bothers me. Now that I lost almost all the weight I wanted to I promised my self I would start working out intensely with weights (I have a club house with a gym in my neighborhood so its convenient). Maybe with a little luck in a few months I could see some results with my particular condition since I have never worked out with my body being in this good of shape. Any opinions? Thanks to all you guys for the responses they are really helpful.

Offline Jstall

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That sounds great and everything and im willing to give it a try, but why doesnt everyone seem to know that? If this were true then wouldnt all the guys on here be trying to workout and decrease estrogen levels before they get surgery? Also how come doctors usually tell everyone that its not going to go away and there going to need surgery. If your theory is correct then wouldnt that mean there really is no gynecomastia and its just simply caused by fat, and my exersizing and building muscle it can go away? I dont mean to critisize you in fact im really pleased that you are telling me these things because I'd much rather take this route then surgery.  Thanks.

Offline Jstall

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OK thank you for your response I feel like im beginning to understand and I think I will take this route for a while im still thinking about surgery, but I will now take your theory into consideration. I have one last question though, if the gyne is simpy caused by excess estrogen, then isnt there pills out there that decrease estrogen in the body? If this were true everyone would be on those pills with their gyne cured. Thats one thing im confused about. Anyways thanks for all your help and I am considering your theory.

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Any other opinions on my case anyone??

Offline petey755

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Mines was pretty similar to yours and I had surgery take a look...

Nothing other than surgery will get rid of that puffiness you no doubt hate so if you have the money I think you should go for it, with an experienced surgeon of course. You might be tempted to have your nipple 'shaved' like I did but i'm not sure i made the right decision on that, need to see how it looks in another month or so.

Offline Jstall

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Offline mrpower33

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I actually believe that aromatase inhibitors can have an effect if your gyne if it is relatively new and you are still young.  After that, the tissue becomes fibrous and your body is simply incapable of removing the tissue on its own (like a scar).   If it is still tender, you may have a chance.  Lots of people here will tell you that's BS, but there are many clinical studies out there that say otherwise.  There is actual proof also, most men during puberty do have breast growth, but for most people, it goes away after a few months when your hormone levels stabilize.  That's evidence that your body can correct the problem chemically.  You are young enough where maybe you can still do something about it, but no one on this forum is going to help you for liability reasons.  So if you're a smart dude, get on google and you can figure it out yourself, but just be careful about what you're doing and make sure you have all the information that is available out there before you put anything in your body.  If you're dumb, well, no one can help you then.  Most doctors don't know anything about this and will not prescribe you anything for gynecomastia (even though there are  many drugs out there that have been clinical proved to have an effect and have negligible sides).  People are just afraid of what they don't understand, generally.  Good luck. 

Offline rdy4chng

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Hi Jstal,

It funny sometime how some people on here just have one opinion of minor cases, and that's not to fix the problem and they want you to  "love it".   Well I had a case like yours for 20 years, I'm 32 now and finally removed those horrendous ugly breasts, and I love that they are gone and I wish I could have had them removed back when I was in my early twenties.  Here's the deal, there are minor cases, like you and me, and severe cases such as people that have full on sagging boobs.  BUT it seems to me that some people on here see the minor cases, like your pointy puffy breasts, and seem to say "don't do, it love your body" etc.. and I'm guessing because they are looking at things from a different perspective, maybe from a more severe case and ours looks trivial.  What they fail to understand that whether you have a full hanging breast or a small pointy boob, the emotional and metal anguish is all the same.  It sucks to have it and as much as you ignore it or try to accept it will not go away.  No diet or workout routine will help.  Find a good doctor and pick the one you feel comfortable with and that has a good background.  good luck to you dude.  I know what you are going through.

Offline mrpower33

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Are you referring to my post?  In any event, the kid is f'ing 17 years old.  First of all, he probably doesn't have the money for the surgery.  Second of all, he's still developing.  I think it's pretty irresponsible of people here to tell others to just go ahead and get the surgery as a first option, especially children.  This is a serious and very personal decision and before you have someone cut into your body you need to be very comfortable with that decision, with the full knowledge that all other options have been exhausted.  Just because you were too chickensh*t to do anything about it for 20 years doesn't mean you have the right to tell a 17 year old to get elective, cosmetic surgery on his body before trying anything else.  That's a decision he has to make for himself and just because we didn't have self-esteem and center of gravity to shrug it off doesn't mean that others do not.  And guess what, if he does decide to get the surgery, he's probably not going to wait 20 years!  At a minimum, he should wait until he's in his 20s when he stops growing.  The last thing you want to happen is for it to grow back after the surgery because you jumped the gun, particularly for a minor case.  The irony of your post is that you are guilty of the same thing you are accusing others of, presuming that how he feels about his chest is the same as how you feel about yours!   


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