Author Topic: I'm pretty sure I have gyno....  (Read 4609 times)

Offline GynoKills

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But just to be sure, let me consult with you guys first. I can feel a lumpy sorta mass on the area surrounding the nipple and under it of course, and it contracts due to the cold or stimulation. Although I know mine may not be as bad as most, it still completely kills my confidence. I have taken up a workout routine, with a proper nutrition plan (sorta, I cut out most bad foods, eat healthy meals and I eat at set intervals during the day) although I never bothered with cardio exercise, which was a stupid mistake on my part. I was previously very skinny, I hardly ate all that much and never really exercised all either. I had relatively no fat on me, yet I still had these 'puffy nipples'.

I have put on quite alot of weight since then, due to my eating habits and a protein shake with increased amounts of carbohydrates to stimulate more muscle gains. Due to this I have gained quite a bit of fat along with muscle also (which is why I have taken up cardiovascular exercise along with weight training now) but I still don't think this has changed my chest all too much, maybe slightly.

My 'puffy nipples' appeared around 5 years ago. I noticed a quite 'painful to the touch' feeling under the areola area of both nipples, I knew something must have been wrong by that point. One of my friends noticed while I was getting changed for PE session and decided to point it out to the whole world, being the idiot he was. Eventually this pain subsided, and I just forgot about it, thinking my chest looked normal anyway, and I just went on with my life.

Only in recent months have I truly noticed the full extent of how it looks, and I can say it has completely crushed my confidence. It even discourages me from working out sometimes because I get so mad at the fact I have it, yet I know I can't do anything about it so I feel like giving up. There's no way in hell I could afford surgery, and compression vests won't cut it for me, since I would like to walk around with my shirt and vests won't help me there.

The main thing I wished to ask, is that is it possible to get rid of it without surgery? I've seen programs on the internet exclaiming that they have eradicated the problem through certain lifestyle changes, they even show pictures of it and it seems pretty convincing. I have read that the problem is mostly due to hormonal imbalances (and with the way I was when it first appeared, I'm pretty convinced this is the case for me) and I was thinking maybe by eating the right foods, cutting out nutrition containing sources of estrogen and continuing my working regimen could possibly shrink or maybe even completely get rid of the problem.

I am currently 17 years old, I have had the problem for 5 years, which some say means it is most likely there to stay. I am still not quite through puberty yet (obviously) and I seem to be a bit of a 'late bloomer', I'm sure I'm only around halfway through my puberty years. I was thinking that maybe at the age for peak testosterone levels (roughly around 20 years of age) that maybe I could naturally get rid of them. I am going to stick with the my working out and nutrition plan, which I plan to stick with my whole life, and hopefully in the next few years I might either severely reduce the size of the tissue or even rid of it completely.

Now's that part where you guys come in. Tell me what you think, if I'm in too deep or wether there is a dim light of hope for me yet. I refuse to believe surgery is the only way.

I'll link some pictures too. The quality/slash size of the pictures kind of makes it hard to properly notice the problem to it's full extent, but it's better than nothing. (Sorry about the size, it's from my webcam, and I couldn't get adequate lighting in my room either....). When I'm wearing a t-shirt, not only do the nipples protrude, but my chest has a more flat diagonal shape to it, rather than the normal round shape that guys should have.

EDIT: Also my weight is currently 147 pounds and slowly increasing, at just under 5" 8 (yeah, I'm a bit of a shorty :P). My weight roughly 7 months ago weighed in at 125 pounds (I was pretty skinny back then).
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 04:59:30 AM by GynoKills »

Offline cookiewithmoobs

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I'm new here and i've been looking for advice, after looking at your pics it is uncanny at how much we are suffering from the same condition, i am slightly bigger built than you as i am 23 and have been working out for 2 years but my nipples are exactly the same!!!, i know it sucks mate, as you would look fine if your nips didn't puff out the same as mine do!

i am considering going for surgery in Prague, it's seems resonably cheap enough and the results look promising, theres no way i can afford it in the uk.

i hope you get sorted man, mail me if you find a miracle solution!

Offline GynoKills

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Yeah man it totally sucks. It's amazing how something so small can suck so much.
And as for the 'plan' I was hoping for, the more and more research I do, the more my hope slowly starts to fade. I have pretty much come to the conclusion that surgery is the only way, but that will be a couple years down the track for me...

Offline postiey

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ye me to have exactly the same thing! find it weird how u kinda think that they are normal untill u start lookin into things or someone tells u. it is the most annoyin thing in the world. i personally am deciding on surgery to. only recently started lookin into things as like many people on here has drove me mad for years thinking something just dont look right about my chest. The annoyin thing is it looks good sometimes out of showere etc. i have tried weights and cardio none really works. also been to doctor who was absoloutely usless, just pass u on and didn seem to care and said u wont get it on the nhs. I havent really got the money atm but am waitin on some lucky for me and goin to use that. Only recently had the internet which has been a great source of information especially this site.

Offline GynoKills

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Yeah it does suck :S
Back in school I actually thought I had sorta big chest muscles... lol

Yeah I'm definitely gonna go for surgery too. The more I read on about it the more it seemed surgery is the only way :(.
Doctors suck too, I went to one as well. She said it looks pretty normal/hardly noticeable (which is complete crap)

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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George H Pope, MD, FACS
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Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline user87

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Doctors suck too, I went to one as well. She said it looks pretty normal/hardly noticeable (which is complete crap)

that's only one doctor!

Offline postiey

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about ur reply to Gynokills ye that is funny i thought i had this super muscley chest in school to, luckily for me it started quite late teens think mine got alot worse because i drank alcohol late teens but then all my mates drank the same beer lol. I just wish the nhs would do something about it to be honest, if u went and said i got lumps anywhere else they would sort it for you, the doctors i saw didn have a clue to be fair.

Offline GYM18

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im new to this site too and after reading what you wrote and looking at your pictures i basically have the same exact problem. I live in Hungary tho so thats basically the only difference. after checking on the internet it looks like its gonna be about 2000 dollars for surgery if i choose to go that way. so i basically found out what im gonna be working all summer long for... :( the puffiness sucks tho man i can completely sympathize with you on that. im 18 and i work out and swim and i do kempo karate and it basically sucks everytime i hit the pool. i dont care that much about other peoples opinion on how i look, but when it starts bothering me...thats when it hits hard. i want to get rid of this ASAP and i have my mind set on it too. putting aside every penny...but yeah until i get thru with this thing my confidence is basically at an all time low.

Offline postiey

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ye thats the same with me a definete confidence killer! what sucks more is when u do work out and still the thing is there grrrrrrrr. im finding it very hard but im trying to be positive! cause looking back i was so worried and embaressed about going to the dr. my blood test are done there ok and i have found this site so just a few more steps and i should be sorted. the worst thing is for me is i find i hear time and time again just work out it will go. but i clearly know now it wont thanks for ur info


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