Author Topic: NonSurgical procedure for gynecomastia  (Read 2068 times)

Offline feltbetter

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all this board does is discuss surgery as an option.  I cannot afford surgery and I am embarrassed to do this since my family would surely have to know.  Everytime someone mentions a nonsurgical method on this board its considered a sham, cases in point gynex, some chinese herb site, chest coach.  The only alternative I saw that had any credibility was something called Andractim which i found in this discussion thread.

Not sure if this is my solution, but its cheaper than surgery.

Any other options.  Maybe if there was an area for nonsurgical help

Offline Paa_Paw

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I'm impressed by your research. You have gone back several years to find what you did. This is a clear sign that yours is a sincere question and worthy of the best efforts we can muster in the way of an answer.

The facts are that there is no effective alternative treatment for Gynecomastia. Once the condition is established and stabilized; surgery is the only means to get rid of it.

The gel you have mentioned is sometimes used by body builders who are trying to prevent Gynecomastia which might result from their heavy usage of steroids. Whether it actually works in that role is a little unclear because it is near impossible to verify something not happening and then estimate why it didn't happen.

Not everyone is a good candidate for surgery due to religious reasons or due to health problems that made elective surgery ill advised. For those of us in this latter group, the only option is simply to live with it. We have learned how to clothe ourselves in ways that make our condition less noticeable or we simply ignore it. It is not surprising that many people are disturbed at these options.

Grandpa Dan

Offline feltbetter

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I found your board and topic from a body building board.  I dont use steroids, but thought exercise would help shape chest, like you mention many body builders have self induced gyne.

Offline nitro1437

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but how would u get rid of puffy/pointy nipples w/ out surgery? it just doesnt seem physcially possible


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