Author Topic: Next Steps???  (Read 2816 times)

Offline Robin_G

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Hi There

I posted on here a couple of weeks ago looking for some advice

Several of you were very helpful so cheers for that

Enough to convince me to go forward anyway

I now have two consultations, one with the guy in leeds I mentioned and one with this Levick guy

What questions should I be asking be these two to enable me to make a choice?

Are factors such as distance really an issue? Or do you have to stay there for a while after the op?

I'm based in East Yorkshire so none will be on my doorstep, but don't really fancy a long haul immediately post-op and in pain, particularly as I will be doing this by myself

Anyway, any tips for questions to ask at consulation gratefully received



ps pferdestarken (sp?).....I noticed the date of your op is nearly here so good luck if you're reading this mate

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
I went with Levick. The journey (I'm in East Anglia) wasn't that much of an issue. My op was on Weds, I took the train back on Friday. I stayed in overnight on Wednesday night, then in a hotel nearby on Thursday night.

Offline Pferdestärken

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Thanks Robin!

Yes, just a couple of days left now. I paid the bill already, so no backing out!

Spelling is fine btw. Its German for horsepower ... I'm a car nut, and the abbreviation for pferdestarken is PS - my initials.

Questions to ask? Mine was pretty simple - can you fix this?  ;) He should explain how the operation will be performed, what sort of scarring you can expect, how long recovery will be, what your expectations should be. Bottom line is you need to be 100% comfortable with what the surgeon does, how skilled he is at doing it (how many does he do, what is the success rate). I guess cost might figure, but personally I don't think this is something you want to be penny pinching with. Mr Levick pretty much volunteered everything I needed to know - lets face it, they do this pretty much all the time so probably have the FAQ list off pat.

Distance shouldn't be an issue, but as Doddy says you'll need to stay overnight locally. You certainly can't drive for 24 hours afterwards, and you are recommended to stay with someone overnight. I'm lucky being Midlands based, The Priory is 3/4 hour away for me so post op check-up etc will be easy.

Good luck with the consultations, I hope you get the answers you need.
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline Robin_G

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Cheers again guys

I guess a stay somewhere nearby will be best whoever I go with

Ah well, just wait and see what the men with the magic scalpels say now then I suppose

I suspect my decision will be ultimately just based on who I get the best feeling about

Will let you know what happens from here

Well PS, I will also be back to see how you got on

I really hope it all goes well for you

I guess you must be feeling a strange mixture of excitement and apprehension at the moment....I'm sure I will be to say the least when I eventually get there

Make sure you post back to let us know



Offline Pferdestärken

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I suspect my decision will be ultimately just based on who I get the best feeling about

Sounds about right!

You're right, it is a strange feeling. Kind of elated, but definately apprehensive at the same time. I've been working on my TVR to try to keep my mind occupied. Maybe the elation is something to do with the 4 litres of contact adhesive I've used fitting a new carpet set!

I'll keep you all posted - a link to my diary is my "home page" over on the left there.


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