Author Topic: Compression vest  (Read 5778 times)

Offline jackwalsh93

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I had surgery on thursday and I had my drains out on saturday and I have been looking around the forum and I see lots of people talking about compression vests and I'm wondering is it normal not to have a compression vest?should I get one?whats the best brand to get? and also does anyone know if its normal for my left side to be more swollen then my right side? Sorry for asking so many questions, thanks for any help John

Offline jackwalsh93

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Sorry for bothering you all again but it would be great if anyone could answer any of my questions.Thanks John


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Hi mate, I think anyone on this site would say to get a compression vest asap. I bought mine from holistic garments direct so have a look online and they about the cheapest at £45. i got mine the next day too. I'm 9 days post op and yeah it's pretty normal to have swelling, my right side is more swollen than my left side so try not to worry (says the man who's worrying about swelling too) It's normal to think about it but it's really just a waiting game.

Hope this helps

Offline jackwalsh93

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Thanks for the reply. I live in Ireland and my surgeon did not say anything about a compression vest so does this mean that we here in Ireland maybe have a different type of surgery that does not require a compression vest? And I know what your saying about the swelling its so hard to stop looking at the swelling and if your like me and have no patience its really annoying. :D


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Lol yep i'm exactly the same, forever taking vest off for a look. I still have some dressings on which will be removed at surgeons appointment on thursday. Also got so many questions for him that i'm pretty sure he'll be dragging me out the door by my feet while i'm still yackin on and on haha. My surgeon didn't really say much about a vest either but from doing a lot of research and on this site it seems to be quite an important part to the healing. Think you should get one. I first bought a vest from a sports shop but it's not right and it's actually easier to wear a propper post op one. Have a look on the site.

Here's the link

Offline jackwalsh93

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haha how long did it take for the vest to arrive?Is it comfortable? Thanks for the help


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I ordered it early in the morning so i got it the nextday. It may take a day longer or something with it going to Ireland but i'm sure it'll give you more details on the website. Hope you get it sorted chief!

Offline jackwalsh93

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Thanks I'll be on the phone first thing tomorrow morning.One more question and I will try to stop annoying all of you lol but when I get the compression vest do I wear it 24/7 or is that bad for you? Thanks John


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Can only learn by asking. Yeah it's fairly comfortable and i would wear it all the time apart from when your washing ie bath or shower and washing the vest. The longer you wear it i'm sure better. Helps the body to heal, it can't do you any harm mate.

Offline jackwalsh93

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Ordered it this morning cant wait to get it on now. Thanks for all the help man,John ;)


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Lol give it a week and you'll wish you didn't have to wear it. Nah it's all good mate don't worry. Take it easy.  Ron


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I had surgery on thursday and I had my drains out on saturday and I have been looking around the forum and I see lots of people talking about compression vests and I'm wondering is it normal not to have a compression vest?should I get one?whats the best brand to get? and also does anyone know if its normal for my left side to be more swollen then my right side? Sorry for asking so many questions, thanks for any help John

The best time to start wearing After Gynecomastia Surgery Compression Garment is immediately after surgery.  We prefer to fit each of our patients before the operation to optimize size and put our patients' garments on in the operating room. 

I prefer a Stage 1 Male Compression Garment right after surgery and a Stage 2 Male Chest Compression Garment for long term scar care.

Sometimes one side can be more swollen after surgery, it depends on the original problem, what was done, and many other factors.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline nick24

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What about ordering from that Holistic place from the US (Hawaii). Im almost half way around the world. Anyone from the US buy from there and receive the garment without any problems???


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What about ordering from that Holistic place from the US (Hawaii). Im almost half way around the world. Anyone from the US buy from there and receive the garment without any problems???

Yes, my Hawaii patients have told me they had no problems ordering garments from the links I have provided.  For surgery, I prefer to fit the garments for each patient individually in our office.  So our patients having surgery do not need to order garments for the operation.  Our international patients can click on the link for them on that page. An email then can help place orders for around the globe.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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