Author Topic: Asymmetry  (Read 2680 times)

Offline stlfish

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I'm a 20 year old with asymmetrical nipples. Both are slightly "puffy" and have hard glands underneath, however, the left one is noticibly larger and more outwardly portuding. In researching and looking over this sight, i've come to the conclusion that I have minor case of gynecomastia--there is no excessive tissue build up in the chest region--but what symptoms I do have have caused a great amount of embarrasment over time. My question then concerns what steps I can take to remedy this.

Is there a surgery that would specifically target the nipple regions. If so, would this be less intrusive and, hopefully, less expensive? Is the only way to eliminate 'puffiness' through the removal of these glands? And lastly, if I try and be really prudent about the cost, is it possible for a surgeon to repair only the anomalous nipple, thereby making it more symmetrical/proportional with the other one?

Any replies would be greatly appreciated


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I'm a 20 year old with asymmetrical nipples. Both are slightly "puffy" and have hard glands underneath, however, the left one is noticibly larger and more outwardly portuding. In researching and looking over this sight, i've come to the conclusion that I have minor case of gynecomastia--there is no excessive tissue build up in the chest region--but what symptoms I do have have caused a great amount of embarrasment over time. My question then concerns what steps I can take to remedy this.

Is there a surgery that would specifically target the nipple regions. If so, would this be less intrusive and, hopefully, less expensive? Is the only way to eliminate 'puffiness' through the removal of these glands? And lastly, if I try and be really prudent about the cost, is it possible for a surgeon to repair only the anomalous nipple, thereby making it more symmetrical/proportional with the other one?

Any replies would be greatly appreciated

One Sided or Unilateral Gynecomastia is quite common.  However, more often both sides have some problem one more so than the other with Uneven or Asymmetry Gynecomastia.  Contouring both sides on uneven gynecomastia is much easier than trying to make a larger side look like a smaller deformity.

Puffy Nipple Gynecomastia problems typically consist of both gland and fat as you can see in this Anatomy of Puffy Nipple Drawings.  I prefer using my Dynamic Technique to contour such problems.

Cost of surgery can vary from doctor to doctor and around the world.  Jane is my office manager and can better discuss costs and fees.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery


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