Author Topic: Sharp pain?  (Read 3638 times)

Offline Hope

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I used to have this really sharp kinda pain in my nipples/ breast. It would hurt to the point where I had to grab my chest to stop the pain. It used to happen every now and again but hasnt happened in
A while.

Has this pain got anything to do with gyne? Has anyone had this pain?

My surgery is in 2 days time and I am totally crappin my self...
*Gyne free thanks to Mr Levick on  April 9th 2009*

Offline turtle78

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The problem with gyne, as I've come to find out, is there really isn't a definative answer to anything.  We're all different....different make ups, hormone levels, etc..

I've been having terrible pain in both sides of my chest for about 8months.  It's everyday and never lets up.  The size of my chest hasn't changed.  I've been seeing my primary, 2 endo's, and a well known surgeon to these boards.  I've had the current size of my chest for about a year now...I never felt all of a sudden the pain is here and I'm told it's growth.  I'm not so sure.  The pain is exactly the same in both sides....gets worse when I bend down, and goes away when I'm laying flat on my back.  I've been told NOT to have surgery until the pain is gone because if it is growth, surgery won't help.

So, it may be growth, may not.  Sucks doesn't it?

Offline Hope

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Your pain seems to be more serious than mine as mine would occur randomly but consistently.

I havent had this pain for about 4 months now though but I think mine was gyne related but am not sure. I will just ask Levick on the day if it might be related and see what he says.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The breast can be quite sensitive in many people. with no regard for breast size or gender etc.

But, the complaint here is not sensitivity but pain. I do not regard any unexplained pain as normal. It has a cause and it should be investigated to determine what the cause actually is.

See a Doctor and get this checked out. I'm serious about this and it should not be put off, it should be done soon.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Hope

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Paw_paw I will ask Levick tommorow what he thinks and then ask my Gp afyer the surgery.

Thanks for your help!!


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