Author Topic: Sharp chest pains: Is this normal???  (Read 2638 times)

Offline ken979

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I have had surgery and experiencing sharp chest pains.

It comes and goes. Some times I don't experience them at all. 

Is this normal???

I have only been getting these chest pains these last 2 days.
I have had surgery with Mr Levick at 19/11/2014

Offline jinr0h

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Its supposed to be normal, i had zero pains though  ;D

Offline bob1234

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I get them from time to time (3 weeks postop). I'd say on average a few times a day there'll be one that particularly catches my attention.
(they are not that painful though, it's hard describe how painful, but really not that bad at all....they generally last a few seconds)

I think it's pretty normal, and just the nerve sensation at the early stages of coming back.

Offline ken979

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How long does this last for??

How long can I take paracetamol for and when should I stop??

Thanks for all the help.

Appreciate it  :)

Offline AchillesUK

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When did you have surgery?

If it was very recent (<1 week) you may want to contact Mr Levick's advice for advice.

Like others, I experienced very superficial sharp pains (almost like an exagerrated form of pins and needles) a few weeks after surgery. Since I was seeing Mr Levick at that time (due to fluid build up) I asked him he said it's just the sensation returning. I really didnt feel they needed painkillers.

Everyone's situation is different though. The best person to direct the question about painkillers is Mr Levick.

Offline bob1234

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Yeah, my sharp pains are nowhere near needing painkillers (mainly because they last such short durations, and are only every few hours or so.). If you're having pains that bad, and you are not week one, maybe get in touch with Levick. If you are <1week, and you just meant you still need painkillers for the general postOP pain, I guess that is normal (they give you a weeks worth if I recall correctly), although my experience was that I no longer needed the painkillers after the 2nd day postOP, unlike the prophylactic antibiotics there is no need to finish the pack if the pain has gone.


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