Author Topic: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 4519 times)

Offline thorne

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Had a hospital appointment today to discuss my chest and after all the results came back as normal, they have agreed to send me to a surgeon and have surgery. I am over the moon as this will change my life completely. Anything you guys think I should ask the surgeon? I have been told he has done this op many times before. Also, should I start working my chest muscles for a better result??? and how long would I have to wait after seeing the surgeon unitl I go under the knife?

thanks guys!

Offline thorne

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How long is the operation guys?


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Very lucky mate, im guessing this on the NHS free of charge yeah? ... have they confirmed your going to see the ACTUAL surgeon? (they said that to me, and then they kept on postponing the appointment) so I went private ...

The actual operation shouldnt last longer than an hour depending on how serious your gyne is and how experienced the surgeon is.

Offline thorne

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Yeah I went last wed and was told I was being referred to a surgeon, Dr Vaughn Williams, due to the fact that all my blood, hormone test and  testicle scan all came back normal and it showed that theres npthing really causing the problem so the Doctor said it would be utterly pointless to give the medication and would I prefer to have surgery, I jumped at the chance as it will change me life. Im now planning on going to the gym and toning up like the doctor told me and will prbably go through BUPA and pay to be seen sooner, I want a good summer this year, not stuck under a hoodie!!!!!!!

An hour? I thought it would have been alot longer than that, thanks!

Offline Dave_8

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Ahhhh! You luck bastard! Well anyways congrats man. This summer is going to be dope for you. Hopefully I dont have to be stuck under a hoodie as well this summer.`
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.


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AS above, one lucky mofo' ... your going to be saving a good 4 grand ... but lets be honest, im not gonna lie its the best 4 G's I ever invested. Either way, as many have said, its like a lottery the NHS ... and youve been selected.

Good luck, hope all goes well & let us know your experience in detail once its done & over with.

Offline pr0digy

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Had a hospital appointment today to discuss my chest and after all the results came back as normal, they have agreed to send me to a surgeon and have surgery. I am over the moon as this will change my life completely. Anything you guys think I should ask the surgeon? I have been told he has done this op many times before. Also, should I start working my chest muscles for a better result??? and how long would I have to wait after seeing the surgeon unitl I go under the knife?

thanks guys!

Although my appointment was last Monday, and I was told they would arrange an appointment with a surgeon for me. Must remember to ring them up this week.
Had gyno for the best part of 8 (awful) years
Surgery on Monday 20th July. Never felt so happy in my life!


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Had a hospital appointment today to discuss my chest and after all the results came back as normal, they have agreed to send me to a surgeon and have surgery. I am over the moon as this will change my life completely. Anything you guys think I should ask the surgeon? I have been told he has done this op many times before. Also, should I start working my chest muscles for a better result??? and how long would I have to wait after seeing the surgeon unitl I go under the knife?

thanks guys!

Although my appointment was last Monday, and I was told they would arrange an appointment with a surgeon for me. Must remember to ring them up this week.

lol dont get your hopes up ... my family friend, my GP said the same thing, went to see the surgeon and he said "oh sorry mate, we cant do comsetic operations for free"

Offline thorne

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cheers for knocking our hopes down a peg gyno - dude (or trying to)!!!!! Im hyper for the surgery, cant wait for it! I've never had an ounce of luck in my life! so this is such a great thing for me! Im a student so cant afford to go private but anyway, I willl totally let you guys know how it goes etc. Prodigy, let us know how you get off mate!!!


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cheers for knocking our hopes down a peg gyno - dude (or trying to)!!!!! Im hyper for the surgery, cant wait for it! I've never had an ounce of luck in my life! so this is such a great thing for me! Im a student so cant afford to go private but anyway, I willl totally let you guys know how it goes etc. Prodigy, let us know how you get off mate!!!

Sorry fella, wasnt knocking your hope down, and Im a student aswell, so dont get it twisted ... I sold an arm & a leg for my op (literally).

But just like you and many others, I was over the moon when I was originally referred to a surgeon, and from their on, it was 8 months of absolute timewaste going back & forth and humiliation ...

BUT BUT BUT their are some who have successully received an operation for free on the NHS & are very happy! and I wish your one of them.

Offline thorne

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Sorry mate, didnt mean to jump on you like tha, just I've well over the moon right now and dont want to hear any negative stuff because it will jus get me down lol, I want a great summer this year and actually go swimming again, cant wait! But I will play holy fuk if they mess me around lol, I need this op!!


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Yeah, thats it, dont be shy with them, put the point across that you need the op, I think thats a mistake I made & plenty of others who been rejected, I wasnt aggresive enough with the NHS... either way, whats done is done, im happier than ever.

Offline thorne

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Awesome mate, glad your happy!!! I cant wait. Whats it like though? I know its stupid but whats the feeling like when you wake up and realise they're gone? and how long after the op will I be able to start going to the gym and swimming?


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Put it this way, first month your gonna feel miserable. The fact youve had gyne for years ... it's not going to just change after the op. Getting rid of the mental scarring is VERY VERY hard ... just wait and see ... everyone is different.

Offline thorne

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I there a difference looks wise? do t-shirts look better etc? also, when can I start swimming and going to the gym? 3 weeks after the op or longer?


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