Author Topic: approx 12 hours Post Op - had me worried for a sec  (Read 4303 times)

Offline T-Cups

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Hi all,

First off, thanks SO much for helping me make this decision and go through with it.  You guys all rock.  

So, today was the big day, had the op with Dr. Fielding.  One thing that I noticed was that I did have pain enough to warrant at least one Tylenol 3, which I took.  

It's worn off by now I'm sure, and the pain has been reduced to general discomfort.  

One question:  How mobile were your arms right after?  I have to be VERY deliberate in my arm movements because I feel stuff stretching and hurting under the bandages if I go too fast or too far.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2005, 02:47:53 PM by T-Cups »

Offline usernameX

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Sorry I dont ahve any advice for you budd. But I hope you the best. Hopefully soon I will have enough balls to call for a consultation. For now just take it easy. How many T3s did he give you to take home?
Had surgery with Dr. J.C. Fielding on August 2nd.

Offline T-Cups

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it was a prescription, I filled it and it's probably good to have around the house.

Thanks for the comment though.  

I'm just concerned that a lot of guys said, "hey, this doesn't hurt at all" and my experience was different so there's a tiny bit of a freak-out element there, s'all.

Still, any input is appreciated.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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It's not a case of 'it doesn't hurt at all', it's just that there is no 'real' pain, just discomfort.

For sure, you have to take it easy! For the next two weeks, do not reach over your head and keep your arms as still as possible. You are going to be sore Dude! Take those T3's.... and enjoy!  ;D

Actually, I was very surprised at how 'mobile' my arms were after sugery. I could move my arms but my chest was sore. As others have mentioned, it will be sore like you've just had a major chest workout.

Wishing you a speedy recovery!

« Last Edit: June 01, 2005, 05:28:56 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline T-Cups

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Thanks bambu, that's what I was looking for.  

I'm gonna take it easy and see what happens.  THis stupid bandage seems like it's coming off though... I pinned it into place, but I'll give Fielding's office a call anyway.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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THis stupid bandage seems like it's coming off though... I pinned it into place, but I'll give Fielding's office a call anyway.

Yeah, the tensor that you are given is a PITA! I bought an Ab Binder for my post-surgery recovery. If you can afford $60.00, then I'd advise you get one.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2005, 10:34:34 AM by Bambu »

Offline KingCobra

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Bambu where'd you buy the Ab Binder from?  I'm scheduled for June 22nd and I'd like to get prepared.

Offline jonQ

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Dude,I had surgery with Fielding and it hurt quite a bit for at least 1 -2 weeks,it's totally normal,you just had suregery man! ;DAnyways ,like bambu I had good movement in my arms but my chest was sore...
had the surgery done,now i'm gynecomastia-less

Offline There_Is_Hope

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I had my op yesterday as well (high-five!) and as Bambu said, there's no real pain, just discomfort. My chest seems really bruised but it's not painful. I took about 3 or 4 T3's yesterday, and only 1 this morning. I'm doing better now. Can't wait to take this damn vest off.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Bambu where'd you buy the Ab Binder from?  I'm scheduled for June 22nd and I'd like to get prepared.

C.I.M.S. Home & Health Care
18 Kensington Road (ground floor)
Brampton, Ont.

Ph: 905.794.1112

Good luck with your upcomming surgery!


Offline T-Cups

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hope, HIGH 5!  

You must have been the guy before me... did you go in before or after 9:30am?  

If you were before then that's good cuz Fielding was like, "it's been a good day!"  I'm like, it's 9:30am, how much of a DAY have you been through??

Anyway, you have a vest?  I just have the tensor bandages.

Ya, i'm popping the T3's now cuz hey, they're there.  :)  

btw, thanks for the info bambu!!
« Last Edit: June 02, 2005, 02:25:40 PM by T-Cups »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I had my op yesterday as well (high-five!)

High-Five back at ya Dude!  Congrats!!!  ;D


Offline There_Is_Hope

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Thanks guys. I actually had my operation in Vancouver with Dr. Fitzpatrick. I was the first patient of the day though. Got there at 7:30, in the operating room by 9:00, left the hospital by noon.

Can't wait to take this damn vest off. To be honest, I would take it off and just buy some Under Armor but my mom's really overprotective.


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