Author Topic: How Gynecomastia almost killed me  (Read 7712 times)

Steve Montalbano

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     Hello, My name is Steve I'm a former Police officer.  Approx 2 years ago I went to the gym with my best friend a New Jersey State Trooper.  well needless to say we were trying to see who could lift more weight, well that was a bad idea as I dislocated my shoulder.  I was able to find a local chiropractor who was willing to see me.   When I arrived he told me to remove my shirt.  I explained I don't remove my shirt due to my condition of having a b-cup breast.  The doctor then told me he once had gynecomastia and had surgery to correct his problem and surgery changed his life for the better and is very happy now.  Over the coarse of the exam my wife who was present and seeing me for the first time in 20 years with my shirt off noticed a mole that looked suspect as this is the field she works in.  My wife set up an appointment with a Dermatologist who did a biopsy.   The results were back and I had encapselated melanoma caught early.  The doctor advised me that if this was not caught at this time I would have been dead in about 1 year.  You see I was told to get checked,  I did notice things that did not look right but I was to ashamed to go to any doctor fearing they would want me to take off my shirt.  Please go get your check up do not let the gynecomastia get in your way.  It almost killed me, I have 3 wonderful young girls a great wife.  to think I might not have been here now for them is devastating.  Go get checked please!!!   I had the surgery here in Toms River NJ.  if anyone wants to talk about these issues please feel free.  I lived with this cruel condition for 40 years, and now that I no longer have woman breasts I'm so so happy.  I'm 5 weeks post op still sore but very happy !!!  I even made love to my wife with my shirt off for the first time ever and it was amazing!!!!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 05:37:10 AM by Steve Montalbano »

Offline Onision

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Offline jjack85

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Happy to hear, call it luck or fate, but god damn man..

Offline Cellar_Door

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Holy shit, what a post.
Surgery completed. Mission accomplished!
2/6/09. Dr. Karidis, UK.


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Offline confused_satisfaction

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things happen for a reason... i hope the best to you and your family! good post

Offline Jopet

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what kind of mole is that anyway?
I do also have a mole in my chest.. Kindly post some pics so I can see if it looks like mine.



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