Author Topic: my rambling thoughts on a life with gyno (Updated pics)  (Read 3906 times)

Offline gambit10

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Alright guys I have had gyno for a long time. I am now 35. I have been looking thru this board and I see lots of lost people looking for answers. I recently  had the surgery but I will post this to help others who cannot afford it.

1st and foremost there is no pill or drug to reverse gyno or make it go away. Some people have stumbled onto aromatase inhibitors and think they found something. These will nor work for naturally occurring gyno. These are used to reduce estrogen by ass users temporarily to prevent gyno.  Once you have it you are stuck with it short of surgery. After surgery simple blood tests can tell if you have an estrogen problem.  The rebound effect that happens after stopping these drugs will make you wish you never touched them.

2nd-  I hate to say this but being overweight(obese)/sedentry probably contributed to having gyno. This is not true for all and I am not insulting/making fun of anyone. We are all in the same boat here.I balooned up to 265 lbs at one time and my gyno looked horrible along with the rest of me. I started weight training an eating a healthier diet and as I lost weight I looked better and my gyno was not as noticeable. As I grew more muscles my chest did not stand out as bad. I . dont want to hear excuses about how dieting doesnt work or no time for exercise. If you want something bad enough you will make time. Having alot of excess skin/fat I am guessing makes it harder to sculpt or shape the chest. Hopefully a doctor can chime in his opinion here.

I will write more after school and post before and after pics
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 08:51:38 PM by gambit10 »

Offline oldspice

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really great results man, awesome. i gotta say though, ur chest wasn't terrible in the first place. :)

Offline gambit10

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Thanx for the kind words but I can tell you it was huge to me.


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