Author Topic: Surgery end of this month- Dr. Ramachandran Apollo Chennai  (Read 11487 times)

Offline jngyne

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Hey guys..i am planning to get surgery done at the end of this month by Dr. Ramachandran , Apollo Chennai..
I have read mixed opinions about him but I am taking the risk!
I will post pre op and post op pics after surgery!
thanks to all you guys for the encouragement and advice..!!
Surgery done on April 29th, 2009
Dr. Ramachandran- Apollo Chennai
My case: puffy nipples
Procedure: Lipo, excision with gland removal
Surgery experience

Offline ihate_gyne

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All the best on your surgery.

Can you tell me how much they charge for gyne surgery in Apollo? I am gyne sufferer and planning to go for surgery. I want to be ready financially to take this up. It would be really helpful if you could post me details about the surgery cost.

Offline ihate_gyne

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Are you gyne free now?

Please share your surgery experience, if you have undergone it. Also let me know how much costs for the surgery?

Post ur pre-op/post-op photos pls.

Offline jngyne

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hey guys..
sorry for the delay..
so I had my surgery done on April 29th,2009
It was liposuction/excision with gland removal.
First of all, I will describe my case as my pics may not be clear.
I had puffy nipples with gland extending a little beyond the areolar region.
So there used to be a slight bulge beyond the areolar region.

Anyways it s 10 days post surgery.
So I would not say the results are the best but it's ok.
There's still a bit of puffiness on either sides.
My left nipple used to be more puffy and I would say there has been a 80% reduction in the puffiness. And it's very evident a good part of the gland has been removed.
However I think the doctor wanted to play it safe with the right nipple and did n't remove enough gland/skin to maintain symmetry. So I would say I have abt only 60 % reduction on the right side.

So now my right is more puffy.
Of course, going through the post surgery experiences, I have noticed that in puffy nipples cases, lot of them have some puffiness left.
The doctor explains that basically after the gland is removed( which he definitely did a good job with my left side), the skin still protudes out and it take a good time before the skin sticks to the new contour sans the gland.
And some facts for puffy nipples guy from the doctor.

If you want perfectly flat nipples, excision with skin removal needs to be done on both top and bottom of the nipple. Doctor explained he won't do this as it will create some bad scars and that is definitely true. I did n't want to have cuts on top and bottom of my nipple. So basically in my case I had skin removed only on the bottom, so I have nipples are tighter at the bottom which itself gives a better look.
Besides there is still the problem of swelling.

But in any case, I am still happy as atleast now I can take off my shirt and the puffiness is at a level where it does n't look absurd.
And now when i wear a normal vest(indian baniyan :), there is hardly any protusion. So atleast now I can sit around in vest during summer :)
I am optimistic that the results will get better with time..

pics coming in a few hrs..
i m hunting for my phone cable.

Offline fighter

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hey dude !! congratz for awsome results  ;D

so you gone alone for surgery or wid ny frnd ? n how much total cost of this surgery ??

All da best fo recovery


Offline jngyne

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and yeah..Thanks a lot guys..I could n't have pulled it off without the encouragement and experiences provided by you guys!!
in particular..ganesh, sasidon, paraman !! thanks dudes..
Anyways here's my experience.
I am studying outside India (although I am basically from Chennai)..
April 26th, 2009
I flew in and stayed in Sea Shell residency.
I booked through their website itself for like 10 days.

April 27th

I went to the hospital at 7:30 and had the tests done in the Sindhoori block. (Dr Ram had mailed me the list of tests to be done and where to do them).
This costs 3500 Rs. The test results could be obtained only the next day but I met the doc on 27th itself. So he basically gave me a briefing on what he plans to do. This lasted barely 5-10 mins as I knew most of the stuff through the board. He basically told he was going to do liposuction and excision to remove the gland. He also mentioned he would remove a little of the skin from the nipple (where he made the excision) as in puffly nipples case there would be loose nipple skin otherwise.
He did n't want to make excisions on both upper and lower part of the nipple as he felt it would leave scars.

He scheduled my surgery for April 29th 7 am and told me to come on the 28th(basically next day) to meet the anasthesian. He also gave me a list of tablets to buy that I need to use after surgery (pain killers/anti biotics)

April 28th
I went and met Dr Ram who had the test results collected by his attendant. He directed me to the Anasthesian who asked me questions on previous history of surgery, smoking , drinking.

April 29th

So the big day. I was nervous as I did n't mention to anyone that I was getting the surgery done and I was alone. But anyway what the heck and went in. I had brought the money with me( 42 K in notes in my bag..scary again). I wanted pay off the amount before surgery but they took an advance of 15000. But before surgery, the attendants puts everything away in a big bag. My bag, clothes etc...
The Anasthesian gave me an injection and after a few secs, Dr Ram tells me the operation was a success. Cliched though it seemed (like in Indian movies) the dialogue was comforting :P
I ve been badly drunk a lot of times  ;D so I though waking up from anasthesia wont be so different but it s weird. Head is really groggy like u have a massive hangover and u need a little bit of help walking for like a few hrs.
They transferred me to the care unit where the nurse told me to call if I needed something/juice. Dr Ram came in a few times and he told me the attendant would take me back to the hotel and stay with me for like 2 days.
So basically at about 6 in the evening, I gave the money to the attendant and settled the bill.
The total cost was 42500 Rs. (break up was something like 25 k for the doctor, 3500 medicine , 1000 room etc)

So the attendant took me back to room. I was able to walk by then although having the drains inside the bandage makes it difficult to move a bit)

April 30th
The attendants switched in the morning. I just kept having my food and sleeping. You basically need help getting up. You can do the rest yourself although the attendants went out and got food for me.
April 31th
Went and hand my drains removed. Saw my chest. Seemed pretty fine.
Doctor puts surgery pads and wound me up again. Although now it was MUCH better without the drains.
May 1st-May 5th.
I kept getting better. Doc told me to take rest for a day or two. So I went for small walks from 3rd onwards. May 5th onwards, I went out to get stuff from City Center and stuff. I was pretty strong by May 2nd or so.
May 6th.
I went and had the stitches removed and had some plasters on. The doc gave me the compression garment and so foam pads. I felt the compression garments were bad enough so I chucked the pads into my luggage and wore only the garment. Boy...the only thing worse than gyne could be that compression garment. Especially wit the plasters and the fact you just shaved your chest..aaah!
I paid like 500 Rs and 250 Rs for the attendants(2 of them). Just gave it to the doc. I also had to pay 5 K Rs for this medicine which the Doc told me he had to use to stop bleeding. He had told me about this medicine prior to surgery. That if I had bleeding , he may have to use. And 1500 Rs for the vest.
May 7th early morning
Flew out of Chennai. I was nt supposed to lift heavy stuff but I still had some luggage and my friends wanted a lot of sweets and stuff from India so I had to lug my small suitcase around. I threw everything into the baggage as I did nt want to lift anything. Only passport and duty free bags loaded with ciggies for friends  ;D

I kept going to the toilet in the flight to remove my vest and scratch as it was killing me.
When I reached my home, I just removed that vest and started drinking (premature as it was barely 8 days but hell  ;D)
I know we are supposd to wear this vest 24 /7 and shit but for the past 2 days I ve been wearing it during the day and i remove it during night)

anyways thanks again guys!! :D
Anymore questions, i would be more than happy to answer


Reached Chennai: April 26th Night.
Left Chennai: May 7th Early morning.
Stayed at : Sea Shell Residency.
Cost :
Tests: 3500
Surgery/Hospital Fees: 42000
Special Medicine to stop bleeding. Dr Ram special  ??? : 5000
Vests: 1500
Medicine(tablets): 350
Approximately : 53K


Offline wantnewlife

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Congrats man!!
in some of the pre-op pics, your gyne probably look almost non-existent to my looks very mild in one of the pics.. it could be due to your chest-hair however iin the post-op pics,your chest looks great..
how do u feel now?
Do you feel much better now and much happier about the results?
did doctor use drains.. so u had to carry those plastic containers with u for 3 days?

Offline jngyne

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hey yeah i agree.. it appears from my pre op pics that my case was nt severe..
but that s not the truth. The thing is I stay in a cold country and when I want to take pics, the nipples shrink due to the chill..
but trust me I had a pretty bad case of puffy nipples which is probably evident from the first pre op pic..
and my doc did nt use those plastic containers.. it s something within the dressing itself..corrugated drains or something..but it sucks having them..but u need to have them only for 2 days..

Offline removethem

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hey congratulations! you have got a great result! but now after about a year, did you face any issues due to the surgery? and how about the sensation in and around your nipple area? you feel them the same way you did before the surgery? please let me know am planning to get it done with Dr Ramachandran, thanks

Offline jngyne

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sorry man..have been off the forum..
It s been a while since I had the surgery and I am happy with the results. Ok it s not completely flat but very little protusion which is not bad at all..
about 80-90 % reduction which is awesome. And does nt protrude at all when I wear a tight t shirt. Life is really different. I forgot I had gynecomastia at one point....have been wearing the t shirts i want to wear ..can come out of the shower without a shirt on..
dr ramachandran is good and the best part as you might have read in my testimonial is that he provides an attendant for guys coming from out of town..

Offline jngyne

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and I have absolutely NO LOSS of sensation at all :)
I smoke, fact I drank about 7 days after my op and went to gym like 3 weeks after..ok that s not really advisable :P but I was perfectly fine..

Offline ssg

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Hi mate,

I am thinking to meet Dr Ramachandran regarding my Gyne. I have emailed the pics of my chest to Dr Sandip(Mumbai) and Dr Murugesan (Chennai). But only Dr Sandip came back to me and mentioned that I have a severe case.

As I could not see you pictures (when I click the link, it says "not found") I cannot decide the results from Dr Ramachandran.

It would be great if you could post them (both pre & post operation pics) again.

Looking forward to hear from you!


Offline born2fight

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Hey guys,

I live in tokyo and have been suffering from gynecomastia for more than 18 years.... As you see the name I have chosen *born2fight*, my life has really been a fight coz of this problem... often I just wish I was not born.... I recently came to know that it can surgically removed. Thanks a lot to this forum and all you guys. Now I am in positive mindset to ripoff those glands and lead a normal life...

I am in tokyo on an assignment. Planning to go to chennai just for getting the surgery done. Few questions:

1) Do doctors (like Dr Ramachandran) respond to our queries on email and do they fix appoointment for surgery before we go in person. I basically want to get the surgery done as soon as I land in chennai (may be the very next day)

2) Would they really charge me hefty if I tell them that I am working abroad ? or should I lie to them ?

3) I recently told my parents about this surgery, but I dont wanna tell other relatives about it. How do I hide it from others for the first 3 days, Or what do u guys tell them ? do u tell them that u had some other kinda surgery ?

Awaiting eagerly for your inputs

Warm regards,


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